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假如你不能封斋,你可以给予他人必要的帮助。If you cannot fast you can give to others in need.

规定,9岁以下的男孩因为未成年而不用封斋。According to Islamic rules, boys under 9 do not need to fast.

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努勒的妹妹纳迪试着在今年斋月开始封斋。Noora's younger sister Nadia is trying to start fasting this Ramadan.

一次,在封斋节,有个年轻的助理主教来到迪涅,在天主堂里讲道。In the course of one Lent, a youthful vicar came to D----, and preached in the cathedral.

他们开始逗我,说没错他封斋了。说到主的恩典,和永恒的世界。They got jokes, like oh yeah he's fasting. Something about blessings, heaven everlasting.

斋戒帮助我们学会自我克制,所以如果你不能够封斋你也可以学习自律。Fasting helps us to learn self-restraint, so if you are not able to fast you can still exercise self discipline.

那天他封斋了,那一整天没有一次问起过他是否可以吃些东西,是否可以早点开斋。He fasted that day, the whole day, never once asking if he could eat something, if he could break his fast early.

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谁又能够为了获得这份巨大的报酬而完善他的信仰行为比如礼拜和封斋呢?Who will be able to perfect his acts of worship like praying and fasting in order to receive this immense reward?

请记住,为正当理由没有封斋也是对全能的真主的服从并且带有回赐!Keep in mind that not fasting for legitimate reasons is also obedience to Allah the Almighty and entails a reward!

如果因健康或其他原因不能进行封斋的,可以到其他月份进行,或为穷人提供饮食来替代。Those who cannot fast during Ramadan, owing to health or other reasons, may fast in other months, or feed the poor.

大多数法学家认为,自愿斋戒的举意任何时候都可以在封斋饭吃完之前。According to many of the jurists, the intention for a voluntary fast may be made at any time before any food is consumed.

穆斯林只有到达青春期才需要遵守斋戒,但也有许多穆斯林小孩子在青春期之前就尝试封斋短暂的时间。Muslims are not required to observe Ramadan until they reach puberty, but many Muslim kids try fasting for short periods before that.

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埃及人依照传统,聚集各家一起用椰枣和牛奶为周四的第一天封斋及开斋做准备。Egyptians prepared for the first day of fasting, gathering extended families to break fast traditionally on Thursday with dates and milk.

如果一个人决定在第二天封斋,唯独为了安拉,那么,他也完成了他的举意,即便没吃完封斋饭。If one determines that one will fast on the next day solely for the sake of Allah, then one has performed the intention even if a pre-dawn meal was not consumed.

“在我们学校大约有七八个孩子正在封斋,”居住在宾夕法尼亚州纽卡斯尔,却要去印第安纳州埃文斯威的签名学校上学,15岁的洛马泽•埃克莱姆如是说。"There are seven or eight Muslim kids at my school that are fasting, " said Romaze Akram, 15, who lives in Newburgh but goes to the Signature School in Evansville.

斋月对封斋的穆斯林来说,是个绝对幸福的,也是在喜爱的环境下为获得安拉的喜悦而互相了解与共同工作的良机。" Ramadan is a tremendous blessing for the one who fasts and also the best time to get to know each other and work in a loving environment for the sake of Allah, " Hoisan said.