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因此,他迟疑不决,不知怎么去做才好。So he hesitated, wondering what to do.

这一迟疑不决的态度已招致严重警告。The hesitation has brought stern warnings.

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是否接受这项任务,对此他迟疑不决。He debates about whether to accept the job.

她迟疑不决的手指几乎碰到了他的裤子。Her hesitant fingers almost touched the cloth.

我在大部分事情上,是个迟疑不决的、动摇不定的人。I am a very irresolute, vacillating man in most things.

维克多·亨利迟疑不决地提了三个有名气的海军少将。Victor Henry diffidently named three well-known rear admirals.

“你的意思是不愿意说么,先生?”密探迟疑不决地问。"Do you mean that you won't say, sir?" the spy irresolutely asked.

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我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就。Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite.

有说法称将给希腊最迟疑不决的部门调任一些欧盟官员。There is talk of installing EU officials at Greek ministries where the most foot-dragging has occurred.

这样你在做决策时就很有可能变得迟疑不决,而这就会推迟你的梦想成真。Most likely you'll be a lot more hesitant and uncertain in your decision making, and that will likely lead you to procrastinate.

还是把盘子摆在桌子上吧,人们会去拿的——虽然会有点迟疑不决,因为没人想第一个去拿蛋糕吃。Just arrange the plates on the table, and the people will come –albeit hesitantly, since no one wants to be the first to go for cake.

还是把盘子摆在桌子上吧,人们会去拿的——虽然会有点迟疑不决,因为没人想第一个去拿蛋糕吃。Just arrange the plates on the table, and the people will come – albeit hesitantly, since no one wants to be the first to go for cake.

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当特立独行的绝地大师奎-冈·金带着一个有希望实现预言的孩子来到绝地委员会时,温杜有些迟疑不决。When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant.

Lincoln迟疑不决,上次他们交谈时,Veronica还说他是大话王,而且觉得法官判他死刑是“罪有应得”。Lincoln is hesitant. The last time they spoke she called him a liar and suspected that the judge who sentenced him to death “got it right.”

我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就像雪白地天也上地一粒蚕豆那么大小。Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.

对于如何处置格外偏爱风险资产的地区性银行,德国不能再迟疑不决。Germany must stop dithering over what to do about its Landesbanks – regional institutions that had an unusual predilection for risky assets.

其它一些分析人士说欧洲央行除了对这些不能良好运作的市场进行干预之外别无选择,但是欧洲央行因为迟疑不决使其努力大打折扣。Other analysts say the bank had no choice other than to intervene in dysfunctional markets, but sabotaged its own efforts by moving too hesitantly.

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在经济复苏脚步迟疑不决的背景下,若是收紧货币政策,便可能给当前正在形成当中的投资者普遍预期带来威胁.Tighter monetary policy against a background of only tentative economic recovery would be a threat to the consensus currently being formed by investors.

与日本的军事关系问题重重,原因是日本的宪法,法律,财政和社会上的限制以及东京的迟疑不决。The military relationship with Japan has been problematic due to Japanese constitutional, legal, fiscal, and societal constraints as well as extensive foot-dragging by Tokyo.

没有什么见证比缺少上帝的灵的见证更贫脊,没有什么比看到真诚而被圣灵充满的圣徒讲出迟疑不决的话而上帝可以借此做工更让人觉得羞愧。Nothing is more sterile than a testimony devoid of the Spirit of God, and nothing is more humbling than to see what God can do with the halting speech of a sincere, spirit-filled saint.