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五星级的提示。Five-star tip.

Borysenko的第一个提示?Borysenko’s first tip?

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三个警告提示。Three warning notices.

妙语连珠和提示读者。"Pranks" and readers tips.

在一个箭提示的德文特河。DERWENT at an arrow prompt.

具有墨尽提示功能。It can indicate ink finish.

我应该给你们一些提示I should give you some hint.

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看到洗手的提示,下面。See Handwashing Tips, below.

这会带来另一种提示。This brings up another hint.

你愿意在我的台词方面给我提示吗?Will you cue me on my lines?

有提示或“最佳实践”么?Any tips or “best practises”?

血之契印现在有工具提示。Blood Pact now has a tooltip.

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血之契印现在有了一个提示。Blood Pact now has a tooltip.

你能用汉话提示一下吗?Can you hint in Chinese once?

有了这条提示。OK, so this is a little hint.

有效提示的PMA图形旋转。PMA figure rotation with cue.

那么这个提示就是给你的。Well then this tip is for you.

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这些提示线索会使你产生饥饿感。And these cues generate hunger.

这些结果提示移植的HB1。These results suggest that HB1.

在报表中添加一个提示页面。Add a prompt page to the report.