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截至目前,塔平最为人所熟识的角色是谁?Up until now, what's her best-known role?

你到底何时同李教师熟识起来的?When was it that you got to know Teacher li?

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他再一次和他大学的老搭档熟识。He got reacquainted with his old college buddies.

冷不防有一双熟识的眼睛和她对视了一下。Suddenly a pair of eyes met Garrie's in recognition.

冷不防有一双熟识的眼睛和盖莉对视了一下。Suddenly a pair of eyes met garrie's in recognition.

一些熟识我的人或许会想“真的吗?Some people who know me well may be thinking “Really?

其他人们熟识的成员还包括伯特、厄尼和大鸟。Other familiar faces include Bert, Ernie and Big Bird.

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记住,这只是个让你在该领域为人所熟识的建议。Remember that this is advice for becoming recognized in the field.

另外,我想起了另外一个我所熟识的令人激动的艺术家,科迪·哈德森。Further, it's reminiscent of another inspiring dude I know, Cody Hudson.

父亲因为事忙,本已说定不送我,叫旅馆里一个熟识的茶房陪我同去。Father had originally told me he would not see me off because of his busy affairs.

他真是位好心肠的人,虽然我们并非熟识,但他还是帮了我。He's such a Good Samaritan. He helped me out even though we barely knew each other.

一位我熟识的病人由于脊髓感染一夜间瘫痪。One patient I knew became totally paralyzed overnight from a spinal cord infection.

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姗尔达妒忌司各特的作品,随着我们跟他们熟识,我们看出,这种情况形成了一种经常不变的模式。Zelda was jealous of Scott's work and as we got to know them, this fell into a regular pattern.

“我拼尽全力,”廖先生说,“我曾尝试从每个熟识的朋友那里寻求帮助。"I tried very hard, " Mr. Liao said. "I tried to get help from every well-connected friend I have.

我另一个熟识的人打算把自己所有的钱都投入到一个小公司的股票上。Another acquaintance of mine was about to invest whole of his money into stocks of a small company.

除非你信靠神,否则你不会降服于他,除非你熟识他,否则你不会信靠他。You won't surrender to God unless you trust him, but you can't trust him until you know him better.

他们不仅和这个或那个人或者团体熟识,而且理解人类天性。They are not only familiar with this or that person or group, but comprehend human nature in general.

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荷根重构一世纪前的伦敦,仿如我们熟识的电影〈欢乐满人间〉。Hogan recreates a turn of the century London that we are familiar with from stories like Mary Poppins.

有一些群体更像是属于同一作战部队的士兵,他们从小就互相熟识。Some groups are more like soldiers in the same unit or friends who have known each other from childhood.

卖方的经纪人常常给自己熟识的公证人直接打电话,求得有利的估价。The brokers often give themselves familiar with the direct telephone notaries , seek favorable valuation.