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我会看着办。I'll see.

我们看着他死去了。He died on us.

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我还在看着他。I still see him.

爸爸在边上看着我。Dad looked at me.

看着他的脸。Look at his face.

她看着我眨眨眼睛。She blinked at me.

我看着里奇奥,他显得很害怕。I looked at Riccio.

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看着辆灵车。Look at the hearse.

看着对方。Look at one another.

现在这样看着蛮好!Now that looks nice!

我们都看着他们。We all look at them.

他看着自己的人马。He looked at his men.

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我很喜欢看着他。I loved watching him.

然后我看着她。Then I looked at her.

安妮,看着我的眼睛。Anny, Look at my eyes.

乔纳森看着我。Jonathan looked at me.

儿子们和我注意看着。My sons and I watched.

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她呆呆地看着那个男人。She gawked at the man.

看着合适你就用吧。Use it as you see fit.

好,看着我。Alright, just watch me.