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此外,中国的“铁饭碗”CEO们也不会拿到八位数的薪酬。Besides, China's "iron bowl" CEOs don't get eight-digit pay packages, either.

高福利和铁饭碗的欧洲模式危机重重。The “European model” of generous social benefits and secure jobs is besieged.

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教育行业也没有从前的“铁饭碗”了,主要是因为各州的财政预算危机。The education sector is also looking less solid, due mainly to state budget crises.

以前盛行所谓的“铁饭碗”,但今天的情况有很大的不同。The so-called “iron rice bowl” prevailed in the past, but things are quite different today.

直到15、20年前,大多数中国人的工作都是靠政府分配的,而且每份工作几乎都是铁饭碗,是要干一辈子的。Until 15 to 20 years ago most jobs in China were assigned by the state and lasted for life.

大学毕业后可以轻易地获得一份公家的铁饭碗,可以将农家的门楣光耀。After graduation from the University, can easily get a public a secure job, can the lintel honor farm.

家长们也希望他们的子女能够在政府里搞一个一官半职,铁饭碗嘛。All the parents hope their children to get a position in the government since it is a job once for good.

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不过归根到底,联邦政府的铁饭碗还是比大多数公司企业牢靠。But when it comes down to it, the federal government still offers more job security than most companies.

上周,他在准备考公务员。“我们仍须找个铁饭碗,”他表示。He spent last week preparing for the civil service exam. "We still have to find an iron rice bowl, " he said.

在当前的体制下,公务员是最稳定轻松的工作,就是大家所谓的“铁饭碗”。Under the current system, the official is the stablest relaxed work, is everybody so-called "the secured job".

加上政府机关的铁饭碗,待遇好,是广大考研学子的理想选择。Government agencies with the iron rice bowl, good pay, is the ideal choice for the majority of students in PubMed.

另一方面,教师们则将失去”铁饭碗”,按照实际表现取酬,包括学生成绩。In return, teachers would lose tenure and be paid according to merit, measured in part by their students' results.

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自2006年以来,已缩减了22,000份工作,但是三分之二的留存工人仍享有公务员一样的铁饭碗。It has shed 22,000 jobs since 2006, but two-thirds of the remaining workers enjoy civil-service-like job-security.

早在90年代,中国就打破了她的“从摇篮到坟墓”的铁饭碗财政补贴。In the 1990s, China dismantled its old “iron rice bowl” system of cradle-to-grave financial support from the state.

2006年以来,该公司已裁员两万两千人,但是三分之二的保留工人仍像公务员一样拥有铁饭碗。It has shed 22, 000 jobs since 2006, but two-thirds of the remaining workers enjoy civil-service-like job-security.

当地的工人曾经是社会主义精英,生老病死都由国家福利包办,并享受“铁饭碗”--即终身工作制。Its workers were the socialist elite, enjoying cradle-to-grave benefits and an “iron rice bowl”—jobs guaranteed for life.

许多人都认为,公务员是铁饭碗,收入颇丰,相对轻松。Many people believe that a job in the civil service is stable, carries a number of benefits and is also comparatively easy.

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严格的绩效考核、健全的退出机制的建立,使公务员不再是打不破的“铁饭碗”。The foundation of a system where strict performance and are valued will dismiss the public servant as a soc alled gold post.

截至到4月1日,50万古巴民众丢掉了国家工作的铁饭碗,政府鼓励他们用小买卖自谋生路。By April 1st 500,000 Cubans will be laid off from their state jobs and encouraged to make their own living in small businesses.

孙说,“因此,无固定劳动期限合同不再意味着铁饭碗,它不会再导致劳动力市场的僵化”。"Therefore, the open-term contract is by no means an iron rice bowl. It will not lead to rigidity in the labor market, " Sun said.