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自开商埠是近代中国不同于条约口岸的另一种口岸类型。"Non-treaty Port" was different from treaty port in modern China.

提出了辟九龙为商埠等有战略眼光的建议。His suggestion that Jiulong city must be a commercial port was strategic insight.

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济南商埠区的建立,在济南城市社会发展史上具有划时代的意义。The building of Jinan old commercial district is epoch-making in Jinan's history.

千年锦绣,百年商埠,风情古街。Millennium exquisite silk, hundred year commercial port, character and style ancient street.

经过15年的发展,深圳已逐步发展成为一个国际商埠。Over the last 15 years, Shenzhen has gradually developed into an international commercial port.

只有各大商埠的富人是失败论者,因为他们害怕损失财产。Only the rich in the big port cities are defeatists because they are afraid of losing their property.

腾冲是中国西南最古老、最大的商埠,这从它的历史沿革及经营规模上可窥一斑。Tengchong is a prosperous commercial city in the Southwest of China, noted for its long history and scale.

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泊头自古就是京杭大运河畔一大商埠,商贸业发达。Botou ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a major commercial port, business and trade industry is developed.

自古以来,泊头就是通贾四方的重要商埠和兵家必争的战略要地。Since ancient times, Botou Tunca is an important commercial port and the Quartet A competitive strategic location.

自隋唐以来,拱墅就是南北水陆交通要道和繁华商埠。Since the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Gongshu is the north-south sea and land transport routes and busy trading port.

重庆是长江岸上的大商埠和工业中心,港内泥沙淤积严重。The harbor at Chungking, a major commercial and industrial center on the Yangtze River, is afflicted by serious silting.

岂但上海,至少是天津,汉口,广州,澳门,几处大商埠,在下下下几个月内,都还不要紧!Apart from Shanghai, a few other large ports like tientsin, Hankow, Canton, Macao and so on are also safe for a few months yet.

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但值得庆幸的是,我们在商埠区未来的规划方案中看到了商埠区再次复兴的希望。But the good news is that in the commercial port area in the future we are planning to see the commercial port area revived hope.

喀麦隆的首都,位于该国的中南部,888年,它作为一个象牙贸易商埠而被建立。人口5',000。The capital of Cameroon, in the south-central part of the country. It was founded in 888 as an ivory-trading post. Population, 5', 000.

自古是我国内地重要商埠的聚集地,久有“九省通衢”之称。Was since old times our country inland important commercial port accumulation place, the long time has "nine province thoroughfares" the name.

第二次鸦片战争后,随着营口被开辟为商埠,基督教开始向中国东北发展势力。After the Second Opium War, Christianity began to develop its influence in northeastern China after Yingkou was opened up as a commercial port.

这一概念的提出,扩大了对于环境整体性保护工作的范围,这样的提议十分值得济南商埠区借鉴。The proposed concept has expanded the scope of protection of environmental integrity, such a proposal is worthy of reference Jinan commercial port area.

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石家庄市是华北重要商埠和商贸中心,也是全国优秀旅游城市。Shijiazhuang is an important commercial port and commercial and trade center in north China, as well as an excellent tourism city in the country as a whole.

座落在广州市繁华的人民南路,南临风景秀丽的珠江,连接有十里商埠之称的长堤。Located in the Guangzhou City People's bustling South, the south has beautiful scenery of the Pearl River, connecting with Shilicun business center known as Long Beach.

不莱梅人是生意人。但他们不似汉堡那种大商埠的资本家般惯于盘剥,而处处显示小生意人的头脑和智慧。People in Bremen are businessmen. They are different from capitalists in big commercial cities, like Hamburg. They are full of wisdom and smartness of small businessmen.