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试穿这件毛线衣。Try this sweater on.

我能试穿一下这件夹克吗?Can I try on this jacket?

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你试穿一下这外套好吗?Will you try on the coat?

试穿一下这件外套看是否合身。Try on this coat for size.

我能试穿下那件风衣吗?I can try that windbreaker?

她试穿上结婚号衣。She tried on her bridal dress.

明天我要去试穿新衣。I'm going to a fitting tomorrow.

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我可以试穿这件运动衣吗?。Can I try on this sport suit blouse?

她试穿了一双新靴子。She tried on set of new wellingtons.

我去试衣间试穿看看。Let me try it on in the fitting room.

她正在试穿一双新鞋使之逐渐合脚。She is breaking in a new pair of shoes.

你喜欢这件洋装吗,爱莉丝?试穿看看嘛。Do you like this dress, Alice? Try it on.

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你要先试穿一下牛仔裤吗?Would you like to try on the jeans first?

我能试穿这双高跟鞋吗?。Can I try this pair of high-heel shoes on?

他买下了试穿过的两件套西服。He took the two-piece suit he had tried on.

请在买鞋前试穿一下。Please try the shoes on before you buy them.

她试穿了两件女服,但都不合身。She tried on two dresses, but neither fited her.

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她想要一些新鞋。她正在试穿它们。She wants some new shoes. She is trying them on.

试穿完后,我就回头去拿另一件同样尺码的新衣。I try it on and then go back and get the same size.

我的裁缝要我试穿新衬衫。My dressmaker has asked me to fit on the new shirt.