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现在做扩胸动作。Now the chest.

动作冒险类的。Action and adventure.

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你动作够快的呀!You acted so quickly!

你动作可真够快的呀。But you acted so fast.

你动作要平稳些!You have to be smooth!

你动作够快的呀!You're so fast to act!

请模仿我的动作。Please copy my actions.

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我喜欢动作惊险片。I love action thrillers.

一条语句是个动作。A statement is an action.

首先,动作敏捷。First, move with alacrity.

我可以做一点舞蹈动作。I can do a little dancing.

仔细瞧我的动作!Watch my motion carefully.

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所有的动作栏按钮。All the action bar buttons.

他身材瘦长而结识,动作敏捷,身体强壮。He was wiry, quick, strong.

教练夸我动作特好。My coach like me very much.

这部电影充满了武打动作。The film is full of actions.

什么是规定动作?What are the required dives?

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她用嘴唇的动作默示“安静”。She mouthed the word “quiet”.

风筝要以机头向上的姿态结束动作。The kite should exit nose-up.

使用文字-动作按钮。Using call-to-action buttons.