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我现在睡意朦胧的,而且还感到很满足。I am sleepy andcontent.

他没有取书读,疲倦得连睡意都感觉不到了。He did not reach out for a book.

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当你老了,白发苍苍,睡意朦胧。When you are old and grey and full of sleep.

我试着强制打消睡意,但是办不到。I tried to fight against sleep, but couldn't.

她笑了,睡意朦胧地喝了热巧克力。She smiled and sleepily drank her cup of chocolate.

一艘自由轮满载着睡意蒙胧、宿醉的水兵来到。A liberty boat full of sleepy hungover sailors came.

小鸟的鸣叫令我睡意全无。The twittering of birds distracted me from sleeping.

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更不用说随后你的睡意定会全无。Not to mention that you will then be wide awake, too!

告诉你,紫瓶子草可是会让我睡意全消的唷!I am telling you, I have lost sleep over these plants.

她笑了,睡意朦胧地喝了半杯巧克力。She smiled and sleepily drank half her cup of chocolate.

“晚安,”他恍恍惚惚地说,睡意朦胧。"Goodnight, " he said faintly and then began to dose off.

睁着眼望着黑洞洞的天花板,没有一点睡意。His eyes looking at the dark ceiling, not a little sleepy.

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睡意渐浓,安睡后,我们做了不少愉快的美梦。Sleep gradually claimed us and brought gentle, restful dreams.

倦感,睡意和不可避免的工作效率的大幅下降。Grogginess, sleepiness and the inevitable productivity plummet.

苔丝用情更深,即便到了那个时候,苔丝竟是毫无睡意。The deeper-passioned Tess was very far from sleeping even then.

并没有那种持续的竭力保持清醒,从而延缓睡觉的感觉,我根本就没有睡意。There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep.

他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念。He was wide-awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross.

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而那时,丈夫却是睡意正浓,只想醒了再说。And then, the husband is drowsiness is strong, want to wake up again.

正有睡意,忽又听床下有沙沙声,原来老鼠也!Is sleepy, suddenly heard a rustle under the bed, the original mouse!

很高兴知道这些,我的确需要一些寒冷来让我赶走睡意.Good to know. I might need a chilly dip to wake myself up at some point.