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同时它也改进空对空和空对地能力。It also allows simultaneous air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities.

两三年后在1983年,发射了响尾蛇空对空导弹。A couple of years later, in 1983, it blastedsome Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

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目前,在世界范围内,IRIS-T是最复杂的红外制导空对空导弹。Worldwide IRIS-T is one of the most sophisticated infrared-guided air-to-air missiles.

空对空战斗是肯定有的,每个阵营都有专业的对空战斗机。There will definitely be air-to-air battles, as every faction has an air superiority fighter.

另外,还有地对空导弹、地对地导弹、空对地导弹、空对空导弹等。Additionally there are ground-to-air, ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, etc.

文章中说它能够携带8枚反坦克导弹,我则期望这一数量增至12或16枚,同样也需要更多先进的空对空导弹。It also says it can carry 8 ATGM I hope this number is increased to 12 or 16 we would need more ATGM.

「响尾蛇式」导弹是一种取名为响尾蛇的空对空导弹,它从战斗机上发射。Sisewinder, an air-to-air missile bearing the name of a rattlesnake, is launched from a fighter plane.

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上尉泰勒,全日空试点设在埃森登报告视觉空对空发现有移动白光。Captain Taylor, ANA pilot based at Essendon reports a visual air to air sighting of a moving white light.

这种新型挂架使得幻影2000-9能同时挂载2枚激光制导炸弹、2具副油箱、6枚空对空导弹。It makes the Mirage 2000-9 can carry two laser guided bombs, two fuel tanks and six air-to-air missle together.

几百架退役的J-5据信已经被改装用于空对空和地对空导弹测试。Several hundred retired J-5s are believed to have been converted air-to-air and surface-to-air missile testing.

它的主要任务是反装甲和战场封锁,连同用于空对空战斗的次要能力。Its primary mission is anti-armour and battlefield interdiction, with a secondary capability for air-to-air combat.

伊朗称其已经成功研制出新一代空对空导弹,这种导弹射程为2000公里。Iran says it's successfully testified a new generation of surface-to-surface missile with a range of 2000 kilometers.

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两片式水滴驾驶舱盖能为飞行员提供全方位的视野,这在空对空作战中是生死攸关的特性。The two-piece bubble canopy gives the pilot great vision at all directions, a vital feature during air-to-air combat.

你可以变身成地面部队以轻松躲过空对空单位,还可以变身成空中单位以躲过地对地单位。You can easily dodge ATA units by turning into a ground unit, and on top of that you can go to air to dodge GTG units.

锥的冲击将是固定的位置和规定被添加到支持抗辐射和空对空对地导弹。The shock cone was fixed into position and provisions were added to support both anti-radiation and air-to-surface missiles.

不应将航空摄影与空对空摄影混淆,在后者中,飞机既是拍摄平台,又是拍摄对象。Aerial photography should not be confused with Air-to-Air Photography, when aircraft serve both as a photo platform and subject.

Parrish最后被送到佛罗里达,她在那里飞行一架B-26轰炸机,执行空对空目标任务,为空战培训攻击手。Eventually Parrish was sent to Florida where she flew a B-26 bomber for air-to-air target practice, training gunners for combat.

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每一架有机翼的炮艇都布满武器,提供空对地和空对空的支援,同时充当运兵船。Each winged gunship was covered in weapons, offering air-to-ground and air-to-air support as well as serving as an infantry transport.

它也是当前唯一可以从JSF的内部武器舱进行发射前锁定的空对空导弹。It is also the only current AAM capable of conducting lock -on before -launch engagements from inside the JSF 's internal weapons bay.

很少有例外的是,飞行员们并不愿意在战斗中选择携带辅助油箱,无论是空对空任务还是战术任务。With rare exceptions, pilots would choose not to carry auxiliary fuel tanks in combat, whether for air-to-air or for tactical missions.