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我们详细讨论了一个大是大非的问题。We batted a cardinal question of right and wrong.

他并指跟他站在一起,才是“最有大是大非的同胞”。" He also refers to stand together with him, is "the most major of our compatriots".

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他们抱怨严重的孤独感和深凹陷居住在这些大是大非水塔。They complain about severe loneliness and deep depression living within these great towers.

同时,讨论的话题也从房价会否下跌转向一些看起来有关大是大非的问题。At the same time, the topic of discussion from the house will fall to be some major problems.

我们不会在大是大非的痛苦问题上纠缠,而专注于如何使事情顺利运作。Rather than struggle with difficult issues of right and wrong, we turned to making things run smoothly.

认清宗教与迷信的区别,关系到“谁是我们的朋友,谁是我们的敌人”之大是大非问题。Distinguishing religion from superstition is critical for knowing" who are our friends and who are our enemy".

要把这个问题摆到全体职工面前,要讲清楚这是大是大非问题。This question must be brought before all personnel and explained to them clearly as a major issue of right and wrong.

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在那两个历史背景中,美国人很幸运,遇到了优秀的领导者,他们在当时辨清大是大非,激发大爱大恨。In both instances Americans were fortunate in our leaders, men who, in their time, inspired great love and great hate.

在这个大是大非问题上,我们的立场不可能有丝毫模糊和松动。When it comes to this cardinal issue of right or wrong, not the slightest obscurity or wavering is allowed in our stand.

讨厌的是有些自认为超凡脱俗,满口羞耻仁义,大是大非面前就为利都不顾了。Hate is the fact that some think oneself transcendent, readily righteousness is a shame, not for profit before all regardless of.

⊙、没有大是大非的观念,很容易根据感觉和眼前需求建立是非,最后会变得是非不分。No cardinal concept, it is easy to establish a sense of right and wrong based on the immediate needs and will eventually become right and wrong.

要实现安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面,必须解决历史的遗留问题,弄清大是大非。To bring about such a political situation, we must solve problems inherited from the past and distinguish between right and wrong on major issues.

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在2010年夏季相互接待将开始结束,一个戏剧性的T标志的大是大非的尖之间的土星,木星,天王星和冥王星方陪同。In the summer of 2010 their mutual reception will start to end, accompanied by a dramatic T-square between Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto on the cusps of cardinal signs.

公民总是随时拿起和盗贼,狼或流氓的武器,经常对贵族或胡格诺派,有时反对国王,但从来没有对大是大非或西班牙。The citizens always took up arms readily against thieves, wolves or scoundrels, often against nobles or Huguenots, sometimes against the king, but never against cardinal or Spain.

这是稳定社会治安,关系民族、民生和保护来之不易的改革开放大好局面的大是大非问题。It is a major issue of right and wrong to maintain social stability, influence the nation and the people's livelihood, and protect our hard won excellent situation of reform and open.

作为干部,特别是领导干部,能不能自觉地对自己的世界观进行改造,这是能不能坚持马克思主义的大是大非问题。As the cadre, lead a cadre especially, can undertake self-consciously transforming to oneself world outlook, this is the problem of major issues of principle that can hold to a Marxism.