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或许我早已遗忘。And haply may forget.

我早已归心似箭!My heart like a arrow!

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你是我的梦。但我梦早已碎。But my dream was broken.

它早已写在我的心头。It's written on my heart.

我早已告诉他们了。I told them that long ago.

我早已久闻您的大名。I have heard of you long ago.

那孩子早已走远了。The boy was already far away.

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我们早已忘记怎样放松。We’ve forgotten how to relax.

那些绸带与蝴蝶结早已离去。Gone are the ribbons and bows.

拉丁语我早已忘光了。I have forgotten all my Latin.

即使古巴也早已想通这一点。Even Cuba figured this one out.

这份邀请早已被寄出。The invitations have been sent.

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幻觉早已将我麻痹!Dazzle has already paralyzes me!

也许我会睡过头醒来后发现羊群早已失散。I’d oversleep and lose my flock.

这种武器早已过时。This kind of weapon is obsolete.

汤米早已把它吞了下去。Tommy had already swallowed them.

野菊早已散开在黄昏下。Had already spread in the evening.

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老的秀水街早已被拆了。The old Silk street was torn down.

早已跟学问与逻辑私定终身。Wedded to lore and logic long ago.

和自己早已被风吹干的泪痕!And the oneself had blown dry tear!