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星星能转世吗?But can the stars reincarnate?

转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈?Is reincarnation fact or fable?

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古埃及人相信转世重生吗?Did they believe in re-incarnation?

戈薇是桔梗的转世。Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo.

假设人可以转世。Suppose that people can be reincarnated.

一个朋友就说了个转世的故事。My friend told us a story of metempsychosis.

他相信他死后可能转世变为妇人。He believed he might be reincarnated as a woman.

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想象一下如果那就是转世轮回。Imagine that that's the way reincarnation worked.

额滴神啊,我养的女儿是佛祖转世吗?My gosh, is my daughter the incarnation of the Budda?

帮助罪恶的灵魂早日转世,成为好的生灵是我应尽的善事。Help a demon transmigrate earlier , tob cne a good one.

像度母一样,她发愿常转世为女身利益众生。Like Tara, she took a vow to always be reborn as a woman.

如果一切都在最高的善中发生的话,你就不会轮回转世。If all happened for highest good, you would not reincarnate.

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在那里,她解除了犬夜叉的封印,并发现是桔梗转世。Inuyasha and is discovered to be the reincarnation of Kikyo.

让你转世轮回本想让你了却这一段孽缘!Let your reincarnation wanted you to have this a bad romance!

你什么毛病也没有,就算投胎转世也没得救的。There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure.

答案将是肯定的,因为灵魂的转世。The answer's going to be,yes,because my soul will be reincarnated.

依我看来,死了就是死了,并没有什么投胎转世。That is exactly what my view of death is without any reincarnation.

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化身随机体显现,所以必有灵童转世。Avatar appears with the body, so there must be reincarnated soul boy.

如果真的有的话,他是拜伦的转世还是布鲁克的转世呢?If there was, was he the Byron transmigrate Byron or transmigrate Brooke?

能冥想而不禁食不能证明他是达摩转世。Meditating without food does not prove that he is reincarnation of Buddha.