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我祝大家在新的一年里都有好气运!I wish everyone good luck in the new year!

另配有气运退销装置。It has pneumatic device to release the pin.

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相对于走滑断层而言,侧断皮断层是有效的天脍气运移优势通道。The lateral ramp fault is taken as an effective pathway of hydrocarbon migration in the strike-slip fault.

研究区油气形成的生、储、盖组合齐全,油气运移和聚集构造条件有利。There are well-developed source-reservoir-cap assemblage and favourable oil-gas migration and accumulation condition.

因此,它可作为气运移的指标,判断横向运移的距离和方向。So that it can be used as an indication of natural gas migration to determine lateral migration distance and direction.

同时要注意样品污染、油气运移、多次成藏、混源等多种主客、观因素的影响。Meanwhile, the sample contamination, oil-gas migration, multiple reservoir formation, mixed source, etc. should be noticed.

葡萄花油层物性、油气运移条件明显好于扶杨油层。The porosity and permeability of reservoir and oil migration condition in Putaohua oil layer are excelled to that Fuyang oil layer.

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研究表明双城地区压力系统对油气运聚具有明显的控制作用。The study shows that pressure system of Shuangcheng area has apparent controlling effect on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.

海拉尔盆地和松辽盆地的片钠铝石是岩浆成因CO2气运移、聚集的特征矿物。Dawsonite in Hailaer Basin and Songliao Basin is diagnostic mineral recording migration and accumulation of CO2 with magmatic origin.

在多产层、多源岩、构造复杂断层发育的油气区,油气运移是十分复杂的。The migration of oil and gas in a multiple pay, multiple source rock, structurally complex, and extensively faulted region is very complicated.

虚竹急忙点她伤口四周的穴道,又以真气运到玄慈方丈体内,手忙脚乱,欲待同时救活两人。He then started quickly to infuse the abbot with his own internal qi. He was flustered, madly fumbling around trying to save two lives at the same time.

本文通过对填埋气运移规律的分析,基于模糊渗流理论建立了垃圾填埋气运移的数学模型,并利用模糊结构元的方法得到一维理想模糊渗流问题的解析解。This paper gives the mathematical model of landfill gas based on the fuzzy seepage theory, and get the analytic result by use of fuzzy structuring element.

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利用有限元方法对非饱和膨胀土边坡的降雨入渗过程进行了数值模拟研究,全面研究了膨胀土边坡中水气运移、强度与变形特征等。The numerical models are applied to the analysis of water-air transmission, deformation and strength variation in an expansive soils slope during infiltration.

东营断陷盆地古近系发育的地层流体超压系统对油气运聚、成藏至关重要。The formation superpressure system developed in the Palaeogene system of Dongying Fault Basin plays an important role in hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.

大型古潜台是天然气运聚的有利区带,它控制了气藏的形态和分布范围。And the large ancient buried platform is the beneficial zone for the migration and accumulation of natural gas, controlling the shape and scope of the gas reservoir.

同时在仓储层中显示油气成藏和有油气运移痕迹所要求的砂砾岩体厚度是相近的,而与无油气运移痕迹的砂砾岩体厚度有明显的差别。The thickness of glutenite body required for storage layers and hydrocarbon migration trace was close, which was very different from thickness without migration trace.

但由于异常高压的存在,可使储集物性得到一定的改善,同时对油气运聚也具有积极意义。But the existence of abnormal high pressure in it allows the reservoir quality to be improved and of significance in hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in this belt.

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由于距离烃源岩较远,油气运移聚集条件成为地层圈闭成藏的主要控制因素。Due to far away from the hydrocarbon source rock, oil-gas migration and building-up conditions became the main controlling factor of the formation trap reservoir forming.

一直延伸到黑帝庙油层的断层是天然气运移的主要通道,天然气的聚集成藏与断层分布关系密切。The faults that straightly extending to Heidimiao oil layer is the main passage of gas transfer, and the natural gas collection is close related to the distribution of fault.

利用油层流体的物化参数对油藏所处的水动力环境、油气运移方向及断层的封闭性进行了分析判断。The hydrodynamic conditions, migration direction of oils and gases, closure condition of the fault are analyzed using the physicochemical parameters of the fluid of the reservoir.