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把你的名字填在每页上端的括弧内。Put your name in brackets at the top of each page.

老师用括弧标出了我家庭作业中的错误。The teacher bracketed the mistakes in my homework.

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将括弧内的词按正确的语序排好。Put the words in parentheses in their correct order.

带有其它变量的括弧,这就是函数的形参。And this defines formal parameters of this function. Yup.

此外,请将档名放在双引号或角括弧内。Also, put the filename in double quotes or angle brackets.

在每个目标旁边用括弧写上一个单词的描述。Write a one word description beside each goal in brackets.

每次你看到一个方括弧,你就得在此添加一个圆括弧,明白了吗?Every time you see a square bracket, put a paren in. All right?

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对复杂的键或索引,将其与周围的括弧分开。Separate complex keys or indices from their surrounding brackets.

现在你告诉我我在这里要不要打括弧啊,需不需要大括弧?Yep. Are you telling me I want parens there and not, and not braces?

现在你告诉我我在这里要不要打括弧啊,需不需要大括弧?Yep. Are you telling me I want parens there and not, and not braces?

我讨厌这门语言,因为我总是得打括弧。All right. I hate this language, because I always want to have parens.

在一些情况下,我在括弧中加入一些解释性或阐释性评注。In some cases I have added interpretive or clarifying comments in brackets.

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并且把field当做参数,现在问题是如果,我没打这些括弧会怎么样?Now the question is, what would have happened if I had left off these parentheses?

三全音被括弧起来和衍生的六音阶也加在旁边。The tritones are bracketed , and the derivative pentatonic scale written alongside.

有多少人的翻译,没有放在括弧里,有吗?How many people have a translation where they're not in brackets or parentheses,anybody?

在资料型别后面接一组方括弧,就能定义一维的具型别阵列。A data type that is followed by a set of square brackets defines a one-dimensional typed array.

所括住的字之间不加空格,但与括弧外前后的字留一个半形空格。There should be no spaces between the words inside the parentheses and the parentheses themselves.

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括弧内的数字代表封装在RIP更新的IP表头之来源位址。The number in parenthesis represents the source address encapsulated into the IP header of the RIP update.

时间,碱液在床上,并保持思想的大门,括弧内的系统,我就濒临获得它整理出来。Time to lye in bed and keep thinking of the door bracket system, I'm on the verge of getting it sorted out.

方括弧指出的间断是录音中磁带翻面。用原书中的文字。The square brackets indicate the gap in recording as the tape was flipped. The text is shown as published in Book I.