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他从不逃避责任。He never dodges.

谁是有责任的?Who is accountable?

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我已尽了我的责任。I lave done my duty.

什么是做妻子的责任?。What are wifely duties?

你有责任去生儿育女。Your duty to procreate.

他未尽到责任。He fails to do his duty.

把你的工作视为一种责任。View your job as a duty.

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他们说这是你的责任。They say it is your duty.

什么是做妻子的责任?A 2 What are wifely duties?

让媒体负起责任.Hold the media accountable.

举证责任如何分配?。How to divide onus probandi?

不推卸责任。Not to shirk responsibility.

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第三,明确责任。Third, clear responsibility.

他推卸自己的责任。He balked his responsibility.

他执行着双重责任。He performs this double duty.

我真旳曾误认为,疼我你旳责任。My love , I am only love you.

他无任何责任。No blame is imputable to him.

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企业社会责任的内涵是什么?。What is the intension of CSR?

好的API绝不推卸责任,把自己该做的事情留给别人。Good APIs don’t pass the buck.

甭管有没有责任,我不能唱它!I cannot sing it, duty or not!