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八个月后,海子死了。Eight months later, Haizi died.

海子生命是矛盾的。The life of HaiZi is contradictory.

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好敛,海子们,咱们现在大扫房煎吧。Okay children, we'll clear up room now.

海子首先是个思想家,其次才是一个诗人。Haizi is considered as a thinker, then a poet.

原来我们看的每个海子都跟动物有关。Each lake has some kind of connection with animals.

这么大一片海子!该不会是二道海吧?Such a vast expanse of water! Isn't this Erdaohai Lake?

黑暗意象丛是海子诗歌的主题意象所在。Dark image cluster is the theme image of Hai Zi's poems.

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当地的人称那里的湖为"海子"。The local people of Jiuzhaigou call the lakes there "haizi".

那一天,因骆一禾引见,我与海子初次相识。On that day, due to Yihe's introduction, I firstly met Haizi.

海子之死是后新诗潮的沉重象征。The death of Hai Zi is a heavy symbolization of post-new-poem-tide.

而其中的五彩池以九寨沟最明丽的海子著称。In Haizi there is a Five-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.

翻起海子的诗卷,瞥见这样一行诗句,他说。Riffling through Haizi's poem, I caught a sight of such a line, it read.

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在这之前,海子曾对我和一禾说,他要写一部大诗了。Before this, Haizi had told Yihe and me that he would write a great poem.

海子就多次对我说过,一禾在前面走,我走在他的后面。Haizi had repeatedly told me that, "Yihe walks ahead, I walk behind him."

翻起海子的诗卷,瞥见这样一行诗句,他说。Leaf the poem book of Haizi, catch a glimpse of such a monostich, he said.

绘一场生死契阔的游戏,为我们的故事写一个结局。——海子。Draw a game of raw irrevocable title deed is vast, as we write a story ends.

在撕毁自己不满意的诗稿原稿时,海子的表现就是暴怒的。When tearing up his own unsatisfied poetry draft, Haizi's manner was furious.

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在沟的尽头奔涌着八公里长的长海,那是本区最大的海子。At the end of it is the eight-kilometer-long Changhai Lake, the largest in the area.

因为海子独特的艺术风格,当代人们多认同他是一个抒情诗人。Because of his special art characteristics, Haizi is often looked upon as a lyricist.

火车呼啸而过了,带走了一个生命,也带走了海子最最厌恶的罪恶。Train roaring past, and took a life, but also took Haizi far the most obnoxious evil.