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小厮说“进来”。The boy said"Come in."

小厮坐了下来,斯威夫特走出去,敲了敲门,等待回音。The boy sat down. Swift went out, knocked on his door and waited.

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最好的小厮莫过于内斯塔和马尔蒂尼的回归了。The best data is that which is tied to Nesta and Maldini's recovery.

她的脚是由夫人的女佣人和夫人的意大利小厮照料看。Her feet were in the care of the lady's maid and the lady's Italian page.

斯威夫特博士接受她的礼物,但从不给小厮任何酬谢。Dr. Swift took her presents but never gave the boy anything for his trouble.

在我们印刷所里经常有一个啤酒店的小厮替工人们送酒。We had an alehouse boy who attended always in the house to supply the workmen.

他们领着小厮们在澜波馆前面空地上打雪仗。They get small Sis at Lan wave building front vacant land up fight snow battle.

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专士笑了,挨那当前,斯威妇特从出忘却收小费给小厮。The Doctor laughed, and after that, christian louboutin, Swift never forgot to give the boy his tip.

挂了三个月的木牌被人摘下,小厮兴奋异常,老板连连摇头,连忙跑开。Hang three months of wooden was picked, the boy excited, the boss shook his head, he quickly ran away.

我把上夜的小厮们都放了假,两边门一关,再没别人了。I'll dismiss all the pages on night duty. Once the gates on both sides are locked, no one can COME through.

“白公子,您要的烤鸡。”小厮将四只烤的香喷喷的烤鸡放到餐桌上。"The childe of the white, what you wanted roasts chicken. "Small Si will 4 roast of savorily bake chicken to put in the dining table.

在去年痛失季后赛资格后,太阳今年最终在季后赛赢得了他们的一席之地,并且如交易小厮等一些不和流言也由于其目前的成功而烟消云散。The Suns have finally gotten their act together after an absence from the playoffs, and controversial rumors such as trading Amer'e Stoudemire have settled down due to their success.

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另换了三四个衣帽周全十七八岁的小厮上来,复抬起轿子。众婆子步下围随至一垂花门前落下。Three or four smartly dressed lads of seventeen or eighteen picked up the chair and, followed by the maids, carded it to a gate decorated with over hanging flowery patterns carved in wood.