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他父亲刚刚谢世。His father just passed away.

我的父亲去年以90高龄谢世。My father died last year at the age of 90.

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他于今晨5时谢世。He passed away at five o'clock this morning.

人生谢世无友人,如同生涯无太阳。Alife without a friend is a life without a sun.

约翰保罗二世从1978年开始担任教皇一职直到005年谢世。And John Paul II served as pope from 1978 until his death in 2005.

回到我的身边,不管怎么说,在我们谢世之前,我们应当能说Come back to me and then at any rate before we die we ought to be able to say

对一位曾给世界人民带来如此之多的欢笑和鼓舞的人而言,这一天无疑是悄然谢世的好日子。It was a good day for someone who had given so much laughter and encouragement to the world to slip away.

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如果蚁后不幸谢世,蚁工们则会一直照料她,直到她的尸首模糊。If the queen dies, however, the workers continue to care for her as long as her body remains recognizable.

获悉令堂谢世,我深感悲伤,请接受我对丧事最深切的慰问。I was most grieved to learn the death of your dear mother. Please accept my deepest condolences upon this sad event.

尽管夏洛蒂谢世时只留给我们四部完整的小说,但是她在英国文学史上颇具影响力。Though Charlotte only left us four complete novels, she has had great influence in the history of English literature.

世界各地很多人都在悼念这一代人的偶像谢世,即苹果背后那富有远见之人史蒂夫·乔布斯。Many people around the world are mourning the passing of an icon of this generation – the visionary man behind Apple Steve Jobs.

他坐在床边然后把这礼品盒放在跟那些他准备带去殡仪馆的衣服一块儿。他的妻子刚刚谢世离去了。He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothings he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died.

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谢世友和谢世军是居住在绵阳的毛家镇的两兄弟,每天早上五点他们都为地震的受害者准备热汤。Xie Shiyou and Xie Shijun live in Maojiazhen in Mianyang. The two brothers woke up at 5 a.m. to prepare soup for the earthquake victims.

在他们看来,生活的艺术就是抓住尽可能多的财富,尔后在作为证明其身价的财富中谢世。In their eyes, the art of living means holding fast to as enormous fortune as possible and then passing away in vast wealth as a proof of his worth.

原中共四川省委书记谢世杰和副书记黄寅逵在公司经理杨润林的陪同下视察公司的工业基地。Accompanied by Manager Yang Runlin, Xie Shijie, Former Secretaryof Sichuan Provincial Committee of the CPC and Deputy Secretary Huang Yinkui inspected the Industrial base of our company.

在IDC中国工作期间,基于第一手的市场分析资料,谢世和先生充分明晰和掌握中国IT与电信市场的发展趋势及变化走向,并形成独到见解。During his time at IDC China, Mr. Hsieh has generated a clear big picture of the IT and telecommunications market in China and its trends, based on comprehensive, first-hand market information.

人虽谢世,但精神永存,它象月光流照着后人,激发着人们去体验人生的各个层面,从而去寻找永恒的超越。Although he has died , his spirit will exist forever, whice will shine the later like moonlight and stimulate men to experience all of the levels of human life , thus to find the eternal transcend.