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举一反三检查其他测量系统的MSA,检查结果无类似问题。Check other measuring system's MSA and find no like problem existing.

我有个逻辑思维的头脑,举一反三的速度比班里其他人更快。I have a logical mind so I can draw inferences quicker than the others in my class.

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这样,阅读古书时才能举一反三,触类旁通。In this way, when can we judge the whole ancient books to read, comprehend by analogy.

丰富多样的互动性教学,帮助您复习和巩固基础知识,并举一反三。Practice and reinforce the basics from the software course to help propel you forward.

而且学习任何事都是与其他事情相联系的,很容易做到举一反三。And because learning anything is interconnected with other subjects, it’s easy to branch out.

他很年轻,很有天赋。他学得很快,善于举一反三。Losira?he is very young and talented, he learns things fast. I teach him one and he learns ten.

“举一反三”是一种运用类比推理的逻辑思维方法,用于启发式教学很有效。Inference is the logical thinking using analog reasoning and is effective in heuristic methods of teaching.

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小明学会了一种解题方法,举一反三,他又做会了好几道类似的题目。Xiao Ming learnt a problem solving method, he can infer other things from one fact, several similar topics.

同时,还解决了两体问题。突破了传统上的对双质点力学体系的一般处理方法,收到了举一反三的效果。It is also a break away from the traditional treatments of two-particle system, and better results can be obtained.

我们才能信心十足地举一反三,进退自如地采用各种方法处理好具体问题,做好我们应该做好的事情。We have enough confidence to adopt various flexible ways to deal with specific problems , and do well what we should do.

实践让我们得以生存,掌握技能,并在运用的过程中举一反三。Experience allows us to survive, acquire skills and to hone those skills as we gain more and more experience in using them.

惟愿论文的写作能够起到举一反三的效果,为企业与此类选秀节目的整合营销提供一种观察视角和思考方式。And, it can provide a useful angle of view and thinking mode for such IMC practices between companies and kind of"show act".

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并进一步督促有关机构针对问题进行举一反三式自查,主动上报违规问题和整改情况。And further urged the relevant agencies to issue a self-examination about the initiative reported violations and rectification.

她能把我们学的词汇举一反三,这使学中文变得更容易了。She tries to tie a certain vocabulary word that we are learning to other words- she just tries to make learning Chinese easier.

一旦他们养成了能独立解决至少一门功能学习能力之后,他们很有可能会举一反三,在其它学科的学习中触类旁通。If they can develop independence in at least one area of homework, they are more likely to learn how to do homework in other areas.

因为她不满足于“金口玉言”,她需要行动上的“举一反三”。By reasons of she can't contented with "valuable advice", she needs "draw inferences about other cases from one instance" of the action.

从推理形式、学习过程、学习方式等方面看,“举一反三”和“举三反一”既有区别又联系密切,二者是相辅相成、互为补充的。In fact, these two concepts complement each other at some aspects, such as reasoning forms, learning processes, learning ways and so on.

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同时,其诗词又有着强烈的修辞意义和有限变无限举一反三的艺术功能。And in the mean time, they also have strong rhetoric significance with artistic functions in drawing inferences and in the limited to the limitless.

我们要举一反三,明晚就要召开全省安全生产电视电话会议,要将最近这几起事故通报全省,引以为戒。We must draw, tomorrow will be convened teleconference on safe production in the province, to which several incidents of the recent and governments.

其次要认知语言在运用中的规律,这样就能举一反三地学习语言,从而提高教学的效率。Second, we must acknowledge the law in using language so that we can draw inferences about learning language, thereby improving teaching effectiveness.