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这里的生活教会你如何在社会上立身处世。Life here teaches you to function in a social environment.

志向是人们立身处世、建功立业的根基。Ambition is also the basis of communication and making achievements.

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它们是先父深信不移和立身处世的信条。They are principles in which my father believed and by which he governed his life.

父母亲有责任帮孩子们接受一整套他们赖以立身处世的牢固的社会准则。Parents owe their children a set of solid social values around which to build their lives.

不受教育而想立身处世,就像没有砖和灰泥来建造房子一样。You might as well erect a house without bricks and mortar as try to get on In life without education.

诚信是人立身处世的根本,也是人思想道德素质的重要组成部分。Credit is not only the base of human being, but also the important portion of human beings' moral diathesis.

我学习了以往会议的记录,并向李先生指导我在这里如果立身处世。I've studied the reports of past meetings , and I've asked Mr. Lee for his guidance in conducting myself here.

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个体应该将内在的信念与外在的要求经过反思而形成自己立身处世的原则。Individuals should, through introspection faith inside and requirements outside, establish our rules on how to face our world.

树立社会主义荣辱观是各级领导干部立身处世、做好领导工作的前提和准则。Setting up socialist concept of honor and disgrace is of great necessity to the government officials in their daily life and work.

它是立身处世的根本,是交友之道,是经济活动的重要保证,也是治理国家的依据。It is important for individual person, the basic way of making friends, the guarantee of economic activities and the basis of managing country.

在社会生活领域,诚信更是为人立身处世的根本,是和谐人际关系的润滑剂,提高道德修养的动力源。In the social field, it is the root of bearing oneself, the lubricant of harmonizing personal relations, the source power of upgrading moral level.

前者是一种立身处世的态度和方法,后者是指不妄为所产生的效果。The former refers to an attitude and ways of conducting oneself in society and the latter is an effect on elimination of outrageous or presumptuous action.

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以上这些优点,是我今后立身处世的根本,我应该继续保持,并不断以此鞭策自己奋发向上。These advantages, conduct themselves in society is fundamental in the future, I should continue, and continue to make progress in order to remind ourselves.

“志道”之学,指中国古代知识分子自觉地追求儒家的道德境界,并以此作为立身处世的终极价值依据。The academic of the pursuit was specially named for the ancient Chinese intellectuals, who consciously pursue the Confucian moral realm and take it as a basis for the ultimate value to life.

他从个人本位与社会角度对明清之际社会变动作出回应,将自己的治世蓝图融入耕读与乡治的实践当中,并由此确立了自己立身处世的个体模式。He, from the angle of individuality and society, actively responded to the societal change of his times and advocated governing the world by combining farming and reading with township ruling.