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飞渡天堑的曲宗大桥和桥下汇流的两色江水。Quzong Bridge and two-colored river water below.

血气方刚,风华正茂,心已不羁,天堑变通途!Energetic, young and heart have been unruly, natural moat change thoroughfare!

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那一条通往雪域高原的天路啊,沟通的,难道仅仅只是天堑?That day a road leading to snow-covered plateau, ah, communication, do not just natural moat?

天堑固垒并被吹嘘为铁案板坯地下室墙壁和砖头。The solid rampart surrounded by moats boast as a iron-case with slab basements and bricks walls.

人家说18分差距是天堑啊,但比起上站开始前的26分差距要好多了。People say the gap of 18 points is too much, but it is better than the 26 I started the last race with.

对中国、俄罗斯及其他集权制国家来说,太平洋天堑也帮不上他们的忙了。Unfortunately for China, Russia, and other autocracies , this is one area where there is no great transatlantic divide.

⊙、人生没有不可逾越的天堑,只要一步步走过去,前方就是幸福的彼岸。No insurmountable barrier in life, as long as the step by step walk through go to, is happiness ahead of the other shore.

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可是,现实总是与理想愿望保持着距离,而且往往是不可跨越的,甚至是天堑鸿沟。However, the reality is always with the desire to maintain an ideal distance, and often insurmountable, and even natural moat gap.

长江口的天堑阻隔是制约苏中快速发展的“瓶颈”。The natural barrier of the Yangtze River turns out a bottleneck" restricting the fast development of the central region of Jiangsu Province."

颂莲和杭素玉之间尽管隔着时间的天堑,但是在人性的天桥上她们依然是相同相通的。Song Lian and between So Yuk Hang time, although separated from natural moat, but they are still on a flyover of human nature is the same as interlinked.

他们预计德国军队只能采取拖延战术,而且为了保持实力,会退到河面辽阔、水流甚急、极难强渡的天堑的后面去。They had expected that the Germans would fight only a delaying action and, conserving their strength, retire behind the formidable water barrier of the wide and swift-flowing river.

桥,像彩虹一样美丽,可使天堑变通途,把希望送给苦难的人们,把友谊传遍世界。The bridge, is equally beautiful like the rainbow, may cause the natural moat to change the thoroughfare, and gives the misery the hope the people, spreads over the friendship the world.