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人类曾经用药物来庆祝神异的成功。Man has used drugs to celebrate heroic successes.

龙是中华民族自上古以来一直崇尚的神异动物。Dragon is a deified animal worshipped by the Chinese people from the time immemorial.

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南诏大理政权建立的神异事迹,反映出道教影响的历史事实。The myth and deed made by Nanzhao-Dali Power mirrors the historical facts of Taoist influence.

在中国人心目中,龙是一种具有超凡力量的神异动物,被中国先民作为祖神敬奉。For the Chinese, it has long been a potent symbol of auspicious power, and is therefore worshipped religiously.

龙是中华民族自上古以来一直崇尚的神异动物。但是,它到底是什么呢?至今没人能解释清楚。Dragon is a deified animal worshipped by the Chinese people from the time immemorial. But what is it? No one knows.

我国的传说中,凤凰是一种神异的动物,与龙、龟、麒麟合称四灵。China's legend, the phoenix is a miraculous animal with the dragon, tortoise, unicorn collectively known as four spirits.

它呈现出的是一个飞动活泼、神秘富丽的神异世界,这个世界富于折线之美、生活之美、飞动之美、信仰之美。It is a flying and lively and mysterious and magnificence world with the rich aesthetics which comes from flexuous line, life, fly, belief.

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这就表现出天主教传统会争论在他们崇拜的玛丽亚里面,并没有人神异文合并。On this showing catholic traditionalists would argue that there is no conflation of the human and divine levels in their veneration of mary.

中国传统汉诗之诗体有其神异的魅力就在于中国传统诗人侧重于以神话思维来把握诗歌世界。The miraculous power of traditional Chinese poetry is resulted from the poets' preferences to mythical thinking in their composing of their works.

方士还利用上层人物追求长生富贵的心理,制造昆仑山、三神山的神异故事,诱导人们进行祭祀。Because the upper circles pursued immortality and rich, the supernatural being and alchemist made use of the mental state to mythologize something.

在中国的神话与传说中,龙是一种传说中神异动物,居于蛇身、蜥腿、凤爪、鹿角、鱼鳞、鱼尾的形象。In Chinese myth and legend, Loong is a mystical animal with snake body, lizard leg, chicken feet, antler, fish scale and fish tail. It does walk, fly and swim.

两汉神秘文化的时代演绎,致使以人神遇合为典型情节的神异叙事日趋繁富。The time deductive of mysterious culture of Han dynasty, lead the mysterious narrative with the typical plot of man-and-god communication prosperous day and day.

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二十多年前海边沙地“神异”的景象并非写实,是童心对美好的虚幻憧憬,反衬对现实的失望和悲哀。The mysterious discription of the sand seaside was not about the real scene. It was a child's wish of a happy life, reflecting the disappointment and sorrow of the reality.

它保留、改造了一些神话传说,记载了来自民间的神异传闻,是志怪小说的母体。It retains and rewrites some Chinese myth and legend, and records some supernatural stories told by countrymen. Historical Records is the mother of Chinese supernatural stories.

我的儿子正心怀恐惧地面临着十五年的上学苦役。我可以告诉他,在混沌黑暗之中,也许在某处会有神异出现,照得岁月一片光明――倘若他很幸运的话。I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years, if he is very lucky.

隐名合伙本质上应是隐名投资合同,而非商事合伙组织,与有限合伙、两合公司、挂名投资等形似而神异。Anonymous partnership is an anonymous invest contract in essential, but not a business organization. it is different from limited partnership, two-Joint Company and investment by others name.