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取自洋槐等树木的硬木。Fir or pine wood.

洋槐路22号,见那无人不知的女士。Acacia Avenue meet a lady we all know.

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有机洋槐胶,硅和有机蔬菜的涂层。Organic acacia gum, silica and organic vegetable coating.

清新的洋槐花香夹杂着忍冬和白桃的气息,可以在瞬间征服鼻腔。Fresh acacia aroma with honeysuckle and peach which can occupy the nose shortly.

作为回报,洋槐树的叶片会分泌一种蛋白质,连同它的主茎分泌的香甜汁液一起供蚂蚁食用。In return, the acacia feeds the ants a protein from its leaflets and nectar from its stalk.

他们蹑手蹑脚地走过草坪,进入街道两旁洋槐树树荫之中。They crept quietly across the lawn and into the shadow of the locusts that lined the street.

我们求购适用于运动场的洋槐、柚木、一级洋槐和塑化木。We are going to buy Robinia, Teak or class 1 level of Robinia or plastic wood for playground use.

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酒液的馥郁香气中蕴涵着牛奶杏仁花生糖、香橙、白山茶和洋槐花蜜的气息。The wine shows its full complexity, with aromas of nougat, orange, white flowers and acacia honey.

微晶纤维素,硬脂酸,洋槐树胶修改过的纤维素胶,和胶质二氧化硅。Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, acacia gum modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

果香浓郁,富含苹果和白桃的芳香,并伴有紫藤和洋槐花香。It has a pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flower. It has a fresh flavor and a good structure.

有机麦苗,有机胶洋槐,改性纤维素,二氧化硅,葵花子油,纳豆芽孢杆菌中提取。Organic barley grass, organic gum acacia, modified cellulose, silica, sunflower oil, and Bacillus subtilis natto extract.

室内既有两扇窗,循着我们的视觉规律,目光自然而然自右向左移动,希望从左面的窗外看到印证右面的洋槐风景。There are two windows in the room. Following our visual rules, we would normally move our eyes from right to left, hoping to see the acacia on the right from the left window.

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纤维素,改性纤维素,改性纤维素胶,硬脂酸,硬脂酸镁,洋槐,二氧化硅,有机螺旋藻,大豆卵磷脂,蔬菜甘油和豆油。Cellulose, modified cellulose, modified cellulose gum, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, acacia, silicon dioxide, organic spirulina, soy lecithin, vegetable glycerin and soybean oil.

几分钟之内我们就把有人居住的地区抛到了后面,傍晚的几个小时里,我们经过的沙漠中可以看见洋槐和橡胶树丛,还有怪模怪样的尖塔形白蚁树。Within minutes we left the last human developments behind us, and we rolled for hours that first evening past desert scrub of acacia and gum trees and comically steepled termite hills.

介绍洋槐花粉的破壁技术及以洋槐花粉为主要原料生产洋槐花粉口服液的生产工艺及产品质量标准。The technology of exine-detached pollen in Robinia pseudoacacia is introduced in this paper. And the technological process, technical principal points and quality require are also given.