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他身高7英尺。He tops 7 feet.

塔高五十英尺。The tower rises 80 feet.

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他身高六英尺七英寸。He stands six feet seven.

她身高五英尺二寸。She's only five foot two.

这条鱼一英尺长。This fish is one foot long.

我们飞行的高度是35000英尺。We're flying at 35000 feet.

咔嚓一下变矮了一英尺。And you're one foot shorter.

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它的跨度长达4,260英尺。It has a span of 4,260 feet.

来吧.80英尺长的充气狗在城市上空游荡。An 80-foot dog over the city?

她很高---大约5.8英尺.She's tall--about five eight.

十二英寸等于一英尺。Twelve inches go to one foot.

沟内水深三英尺。The water was three feet deep.

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乔高5英尺9英寸,重130磅。At 5'9", Joe weighs 130 pounds.

这条鱼有两英尺长。The fish is few foot in length.

这条鱼有两英尺长。The fish is two feet in length.

同时它们还拥有长达16英尺的獠牙。They had tusks up to 16ft long.

我差一英尺就击中目标。I missed the target by one foot.

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飞机爬升到33000英尺。The plane climbed to 33000 feet.

河宽约二十英尺。The river is about 20 feet broad.

渔民网到一条20英尺长的蟒蛇。They had caught a 20-foot python.