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人们管他叫“铁牛”。People call him Iron Ox.

我们都称他“铁牛”。We all call him Iron Ox.

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铁牛是拖拉机的别名。Iron-ox is another name for tractor.

我应该给铁牛加些汽油了。I should give some petrol to the tractor.

娇虎女侠对抗铁牛的死亡之虎。Master Tigress! Face iron Ox and his Blades of Death.

但随后铁牛和铁乌龟都都被江水冲走了。But then optimus and iron turtles are river washed away.

以天津拖拉机厂生产的铁牛654型轮式拖拉机为试验平台。JDT-654 made by Tian Jin tractor factory used as test platform.

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我们是专业研发、生产休闲交通工具的厂商,隶属于中国铁牛集团。Our company is a specialized manufacturer of sportful vehicles, which belongs to Tech-New Group Co. , Ltd.

翻车机中的铁牛和重推子系统是翻车机系统全线实现自动化的关键。The iron bull transmission and heavy pusher system in a turn over truck are vital to the full automation of the turn over truck system.

并以铁牛55型拖拉机转向机构的最优设计为例,介绍了一种求解该类问题很有效的优化方法。Taking the steering mechanism of the TN-55 tractor as example, an optimum method is introduced, which is most efficient for this problem.

为此,以铁牛654拖拉机为研究对象,进行了自动转向控制系统的研究,提出了基于简化的运动学模型模糊控制方法。The automatic steering control system based on the tractor Tieniu-654 was studied. A fuzzy control method on the simple kinematics model was introduced.

党的书记张铁牛是这一地区最年轻的党委书记,去年刚刚任命他时才32岁,但并没有掌握实权。It is not the party secretary Zhang Tieniu who holds sway. Mr Zhang was the youngest party chief in the prefecture when he was appointed last year at the age of 32.

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主要论述了焦化厂铁牛和重推子系统的改造及其构成和软件系统。The present paper mainly described the revamp on the iron bull transmission and heavy pusher system in the Coking Plant as well as the composition of the new system and its software.