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他们只知道逃遁。They know only evacuation.

这无法逃遁地是一个宗教信仰任务。This is inescapably a religious task.

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我无法逃遁。我是上帝面前的孤独者。I cannot escape. I am god's lonely woman.

野火鸡是巧于伪装,敏于逃遁的大师。Wild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion.

我是他的星期三情人,一周中间一天的逃遁。I was his Wednesday girl- a sort of mid-week escape.

他们尽快乘搭飞机和船只,仓皇逃遁。They bugged out as fast as planes and ships would bear them.

碰到解不开的难关,就以这种方法逃遁。The difficulties encountered can not be untied, to escape this way.

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发现巨大的海盗船向它逼近时,那艘小船奋力逃遁。The little ship tried to escape when the big pirate ship bore down.

今天就逃遁到一个安静的房间,然后开始思考你所有的可能性。Escape to a quiet room today, and begin to see all your possibilities.

法国舰队从土伦逃遁一事反映出了英国的弱点。British weakness was underlined when the French fleet escaped from Toulon.

隐士逃遁离开这个世界而居住于偏僻之地且常常是独处的人。A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.

忘却,是一种逃遁,也是复元。忘却之后,我们只留下美好的回忆。Forget, is a kind of escape, but also fuyuan. After the forget, we only left a good memory.

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无论睡眠还是清醒、工作还是进食、室内还是室外、如厕还是上床――无可逃遁。Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or in bed ― no escape.

无神论者和不可知论者憎恶现实,但是近来宗教已成为政治生活无可逃遁的一部分。Atheists and agnostics hate the fact, but these days religion is an inescapable part of politics.

它是一条康庄大道,说的更好听些,它是一个让知识及类似的东西,可以赖以逃遁躲藏的地方。It is a thoroughfare or, to put it better, a place for the evacuation of knowledge and all the rest.

因此,我反对弃世逃遁,这种想法即使在上帝的荣光召唤我们大显身手时也在内心深处噬咬着我们。Thus, I oppose the desire for oblivion that gnaws at our roots even as the light is summoning us to bloom.

这样宣泄与逃遁的女性幸存之路和阿特伍德的二元共存的思想是一脉相承的。Such survival way full of release and escape is actually the reflection of Atwood's dualistic co-existence.

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他的双眼滴溜溜地不停转动,窥探着法庭的每个角落,似乎在盘算着如何伺机逃遁。They moved ceaselessly, examining every corner of the room as though trying to calculate a means of escape.

富商古福成为了息事宁人,交了六亿元赎款,仍遭勒索。古欲逃遁,却有一只无形的手操纵着他,他与美丽而妖冶的情妇的性戏也被曝光。In order to gets out of this case, the rich merchant Gu Fu hands in 6 00 million but he still is blackmailed.

那牧师和怀孕的妻子仓皇起床逃遁,被蜜蜂追跑过庭院,最后躲到粪堆旁。The chaplain and his pregnant wife were driven from their bed, across the courtyard and eventually to the side of a dunghill.