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洛杉矶市自2008年开始使用遮阳球。The city began using shade balls in 2008.

黑色遮阳网,可完全阻挡阳光。Black out shade will completely block the sun.

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她夏天用遮阳镜片。She wears glasses with sunshades in hot summer.

这个遮阳蓬盖住了人行道上好几英尺的地方。The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.

关闭遮阳蓬顶至车顶开口处的中心玻璃板。Close sunroof to center glass panel in roof opening.

屋檐和落叶树提供了最佳的遮阳。Eaves and deciduous trees allows optimal sun protection.

它可以在恶劣的天气里挡雨,在晴好的天气里遮阳。It keeps the rain in bad weather and the sun off in good.

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推车有遮阳蓬,如果不能找到树阴,就带把遮阳伞。If you can't find a shady spot to sit, put up an umbrella.

遮阳蓬伸出几个脚在人行道上。Several people herded under an awning to get out the shower.

一条细纱遮阳窗帘,把这间小室的光线,掩得有如黄昏。A blind of embroidered tulle kept the little room in twilight.

帮我支上这个床单,这样我们就有遮阳处了。Will you help me fix up this sheet?Then it'll give us some shade.

加强济南遮阳蓬施工现场的用电办理。The strengthening of Ji'nan awning construction site for electricity.

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一楼的水平遮阳百叶窗与纱窗伴随着每个冷却池。A ground level awning window with flyscreen accompanies each cooling pond.

但不要忘记您的高尔夫伞。遮阳时它可以用得上。But don't forget your golf umbrella. It could come in handy as a sunshade.

基坑一次开挖成型并设置遮阳防雨棚。Foundation pit shall be formed at one excavation and protected with sunshade.

曾经就是在这样一条绿荫遮阳、旁边长满悬钩子的小路上,沃尔特向她求爱,并赢得了她的芳心。It was in this shaded and raspberried lane that Walter had wooed and won her.

王就种植了芒果树,这些树可以遮阳,对他的咖啡树起到保护作用。Wang has mango trees, which also help to shade and protect his coffee plants.

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给出了一种智能控制遮阳系统方框图。The block scheme of an intelligent controlled sun shading system is presented.

父母的爱就像一座参天大树,为孩子迎风避雨,遮阳挡光!Parental love is like a towering tree, the children wind shelter, sun shade light!

帐篷,防潮垫,遮阳布,小音箱,垃圾袋,刀具等。Camping Gear Tent for shade, Picnic rug to sit on, Knife, First-Aid kit, Garbage bags.