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手边有笔吗?Got a pen handy?

胜利就在手边!Victory is at hand!

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你手边有笔吗?。Do you have a pen handy?

要把胶水放在手边。Keep a glue stick handy.

我手边没有任何臭板条!I don't have no stinking lath!

我总是把那本手册放在手边。I always keep the handbook at hand.

手边有一本是史文朋的诗集。One of the volumes was a Swinburne.

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在手边准备一些必要的药品。Have the necessary medications on hand.

如果手边上有纸笔的话可以列个表。Make a list if you have paper and pen handy.

米切里斯打开了离他手边最近的那个抽屉。Michaelis opened the drawer nearest his hand.

手边准备点蜡烛,万一保险丝烧断了。Have some candles at hand in case lights fuse.

使用肥皂和温水,如果手边有的话。Use soap and warm water, if they're available.

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我把这本书放在手边,仅仅是以备不时之需。I leave the book at hand for use when necessary.

任何适用于手边任务的其他内容。Any other content applicable to the task at hand.

另外我们手边还有时空穿梭机。We have time machines handy everywhere in this house.

你会为了一次向往的旅行放下手边的工作,学习吗?Will you dropt your work or study just for a journey?

上述方法对于手边的问题非常好用。The above approaches are fine for the problem at hand.

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他写作时,手边总是有本辞典。When he writes , he always keeps a dictionary at hand.

跟着这些手边的帮助,自己看看最后结果。Follow there handy tips and see the results for yourself.

他知道黑暗的日子,在他手边预备好了。he knoweth that the day of darkness is ready at his hand.