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你们双方都不允许越过限界一步!None of you can walk past the boundary.

或许,不定期的想一下我们的限界比较好。We might do better to periodically consider our limits.

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或许是因为如此一来我们便会抱怨自己的限界。Perhaps it is because we would otherwise have to lament our limits.

讨厌规定的人便无法超越「自己」的限界。The person whom being limited dislikes cannot exceed the limit of "Myself".

铁路隧道限界是铁路建筑物接近限界中的一种。The railway-tunneling gauge is one kind of structure approaching gauges on railway.

基于分枝限界法,提出了一种准确判认主要失效模式的新方法。Based branch-and-bound method, a new method to identify the dominant failure modes is presented.

在我们的彼得潘文化中,限界令人不适,因为承诺超出了我们莫测的欲望。In our Peter Pan culture, limits offend, as does commitment beyond the vagaries of our shifting desires.

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在功率循环次数及在故障情况下运行之间的折衷平衡点亦已被推向新的限界。The trade-off between power cycling capability and operation under fault conditions was pushed to new limits.

不同的流量限界值可以发展出许多可以采用的不同网路结构。With the different threshold value of traffic flows, it can develope a series of feasible network structures.

为测量电气化铁道接触网导高、拉出值、限界等提供了一种可靠的技术装备。Offers a feasible means for measuring height of conductor, clearance and stagger value of electric railway OCS.

美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等限界较大的国家都积极开行了双层集装箱列车。Many countries with large clearance, like USA, Canada and Australia, have run the double-stack container trains.

车辆限界与设备限界间安全裕量对地铁列车安全运营有直接影响。The safety space between metro vehicle gauge and equipment gauge is a direct factor to influence train operation.

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针对南车四方机车车辆股份有限公司出口伊朗的双层客车进行了动态限界分析。The problem of water leakage in the air conditioner sets on double deck passenger cars is investigated and analyzed.

轨道交通限界设计,传统的作法是采用区间车辆限界、设备限界进行各种建筑限界设计。Traditional clearance design of rail transit is based on the clearance-gauges of vehicles and equipment in transit tunnels.

系统将限界的计算、设计、成图集成在一起,提高了地铁限界设计效率。This system will improve the efficiency of metro gauge design by integrating calculation, design, and drawing in one system.

介绍铁路限界综合管理信息系统的数据模块、数据流程、实现功能等内容。The essay introduces the data module, data flow and realized function of comprehensive management system of railway clearance.

针对南车四方机车车辆股份有限公司出口伊朗的双层客车进行了动态限界分析。The dynamic gauge analysis is made upon the double-deck passenger cars exported to Iran by CSR Sifang Locomotives & Rolling Stock Co.

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并非因为生活不止是蓝图,而是因为,了解限界可以令我们丰富发展今后的做事方式。Not because life is not also about dreaming our rough imaginings, but because our limits can yield us fruitful insights for future action.

在隧道限界检测车的具体实现过程中将CCD相机采集视频实时保存为H.264格式,有效地压缩了数据量。At the realization process of the tunnel inspection car, the video that the CCD camera collects will be saved as a real-time H. 264 format.

架设铁路桥梁的架桥机受铁路限界的限制,要求采用低高度起重小车。The bridge erecting machine used for erection of railway bridge requires a low height hoisting trolley due to contour limitation in railway.