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河塘竟然成了垃圾的海洋。The pool had already been a sea of rubbish.

她们所倾注的爱就像河塘的涟漪,一圈圈扩散,泽及后人。Like ripples in a pond, their investment spreads across the generations.

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那一年,由于气候的怪异,在其幼虫尚未成熟之前,河塘就干涸了。In 1987, due to erratic weather, the pools dried up before the larva had matured.

干旱延续了很长时间,那个地区几乎所有的河塘都干涸了。The dry spell lasted so long that nearly all the streams and ponds in the area dried up.

丑小鸭尽他所能飞快跑回了河塘,爬上一段漂浮的木头。The ugly duckling ran as fast as he could back to the pond and climbed on a floating log.

就如河塘臂弯里的水波,在这明快的日子里上下起伏。Down and up, down and up, it curved, like the water in a pond, lapping at the banks on serene day.

嘉兴运河塘的踏白船比赛,参加者以南湖乡、嘉北乡各村为主。Jiaxing pond canal boat ride white race, participants south of Tahu, Kerry North, mainly rural villages.

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河塘软食中兽的眶后棒在眼窝后闭合,但其他的中爪兽目则没有这个特徵。In particular, H. hetangensis has a postorbital bar closing the back of the orbit, a feature lacking in mesonychids.

那就是,花一点时间与自己所爱的人拉着手注视着橙粉相间的夕阳洒在河塘上。It's all about taking a moment to notice the orange and pink sunset reflecting off the pond water as you hold hands with someone you love.

那就是,花一点时间与自己所爱的人拉着手注视着橙粉相间的夕阳洒在河塘上。It’s all about taking a moment to notice the orange and pink sunset reflecting off the pond water as you hold hands with someone you love.

我已经跳进了他们悠久历史和哲学的河塘中,我已经涉身于利物浦,已经爱上生活在其中,我已经成长为一个大人,一名真正的球员。I jumped into the pool of their history and philosophy. I got involved in the city and loved living in the centre. I have grown as a person and as a player.

到这一天,村民们摇船至运河塘岸,先将带来的猪鸡鱼等在蚕花娘娘神位前祭招,然后参加比赛。To this day, the villagers Yaochuan to the canal pond shore, fish, pig and chicken first brought to spend the empress in the silkworm tablet strokes before the festival, and then race.

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禁止到江湖、河塘、窑塘等地玩耍,以及私自或结伴下河游泳、玩水或捕鱼、捉虾,以防溺水事故发生。The prohibition to the political arena, Formation, kiln play, as well as privately, or go swimming the river, play in the water or the fishing, catching shrimp in order to prevent drowning accidents.