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我们也是劝导的动物。We are persuadable animals.

老师劝导他克服学习中的困难。The teacher wised him to overcome the difficulties in his study.

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他要劝导许多以色列人回心转意,归顺他们的上帝。He will bring many of Israel's people back to the Lord their God.

李老师总是耐心劝导犯错误的学生。Teacher Li always patiently wises students who have made mistakes.

你们要谨防,恐怕希西家劝导你们说,耶和华必要拯救我们。Beware lest Hezekiah persuade you, saying, The LORD will deliver us.

我们每天都被这些劝导我们行动的话语包围着。We are surrounded, on a day-to-day basis, by the exhortation to act.

老陈也就是从他奶奶那里学来的劝导的艺术。It was from her that Mr. Chen had learned the fine art of persuasion.

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安静莹知文学庭依然故我,一点没有长进,于是好言劝导。Quiet Ying court literature know little progress, I am still my old self.

刘在医院烧伤科做恢复性的治疗,他的兄长劝导他说出了自己的悲惨经历。As Liu recovered in the burn unit, his brother coaxed the story out of him.

耶和华阿、你曾劝导我、我也听了你的劝导。你比我有力量、且胜了我。O LORD, you deceived me, and I was deceived you overpowered me and prevailed.

他们提供了可供理解和讨论劝导式设计的结构。They provide the structure around which people understand and discuss persuasive design.

综合排名第十位的里根总统在“公众劝导”一项得分较高,排名第三。Reagan faired well in , where he was propelled to third spot, from his 10th place overall.

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她和其他志愿者一起,在站点周边巡逻,劝导不文明行为。She and other volunteers in patrolling around the site, and uncivilized act of persuasion.

接着我就开始苦口婆心地劝导他,说他写的报告过分冗长。I now went into an earnest expostulation with him upon the extravagant length of his report.

传播媒体提供信息、娱乐、广告、新闻、评论和劝导。The media provide information, entertainment, advertising, news, commentary, and persuasion.

尽管如此,医生仍劝导想要换膝的病人“再等等,忍到你实在受不了为止”。But doctors are still advising candidates for replacement to “wait until you can’t stand it.”

如果后一种类型的判例实际上没有劝导性,法官可以忽视该判例。If a precedent of the latter type is in fact unpersuasive , the judge is free to disregard it.

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吐迷度教太后这一番劝导,顿觉心间一宽。Vomit fan's degree to teach the queen mommy this some kind of persuasion, feels heart one width.

首先我劝导众人,要为一切人恳求、祈祷、转求和谢恩。First of all I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone.

既需要吸引注意力,需要打造形象,还需要一些富有亲和力的劝导。The pieces of the puzzle include attention-getting, image-building, and some friendly persuasion.