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你如何消磨你的时间呢?How do you spend your time?

我说,“我在这儿消磨了许多光阴。”I spend a lot of time here.

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如何消磨此寒夜?How do I kill this cold night?

他们游手好闲地消磨时间。They loitered away their time.

我只是想消磨时光。I am just for killing the time.

你为何每天都消磨时间?Why do you kill time every day?

砌图游戏一只!最啱用来消磨时间!Chat used to spend the most time!

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他消磨了整个上午。He loafed away the whole morning.

他以读书消磨日子。He beguiled his days with reading.

例如,消磨时间之乐?‘The Joy of Wasting time’, perhaps?

对某些人来说,结婚是消磨时光用的?Is marriage just time-pass for some?

他过去常常在说笑中消磨掉他的余暇时间。He used to laugh away his spare time.

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可以消磨时间的方法有很多哦!You have many ways to kill your time.

他在酒店饮酒消磨时光。He spent his time tippling at the inn.

他常常以作诗消磨长夜。He would rhyme away the long evenings.

我们怎样消磨剩余时间?How will we kill the rest of the time?

在火车上消磨时间,读什么好?An idea about killing time on the train.

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他们讲笑话消磨时间。They beguiled the time by telling jokes.

他逐渐消磨掉了他的时间和精力。He has dribbled away his time and energy.

我常通过读小说来消磨时光。I usually kill my time by reading novels.