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他们被那个戏迷住了。They were enthralled with the play.

我听说这里有一个戏迷俱乐部。I heard there was an opera fans club.

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这位演员对戏迷已不再具有吸引力了。The actor has lost his hold on the playgoers.

有一群戏迷围在这个演员身旁。There was a cluster of fans around the actor.

这位女演员对戏迷已不再具有吸引力了。The actress has lost her hold on the playgoers.

所以,我想自己终究还算是个戏迷吧。So I guess I really am a theater fan, after all.

我是个超级戏迷﹐你说的我都喜欢。I am a super-film-fan, I like all that you mentioned.

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清朝的慈禧太后就是一个超级戏迷,她常请戏班子进宫演出。She often had opera troupes perform for her in the Court.

伦敦那些戏迷一看到这种搏斗场面,就知道演得像不像。The playgoers of London knew a real fight when they saw one.

我是个戏迷②,我和妻子的缘分也是从戏开始的。I love opera, and my love for my wife also started with opera.

此时,戴维领着一班戏迷,高呼支持简洁。At this time, David took a group of fans, chanting support is simple.

这相对于现在那些衣着体面的戏迷有着细微的差别。This is a slight contrast to the neatly turned out theatregoers of today.

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难道我们就终于看到了迪斯尼的公主与青蛙戏迷?Haven’t we just finally seen a black heroine in Disney’s The Princess and the Frog?

如果你也喜欢这部戏,可以到下方网址的网站,和其他戏迷们一起讨论。If you like this drama, you can go to below website and discuss the drama with other fans.

而是站在一个观众的角度、一个戏迷的角度、一个艺术家的角度、一个局外人的角度去还原戏剧。However stand as a point of view of audiences, addict of opera, artists, and outliers to restore drama.

以弘扬和发展中国各地优秀戏曲艺术,满足戏迷审美要求为宗旨的专业频道。A professional channel that promotes excellent traditional Chinese opera arts and is aesthetically satisfying.

糟糕的评论,但它并没有阻止戏迷们花费不菲的金钱来看戏。Poor marks, however, haven't stopped theatergoers from plunking down decent sums of money to fill up the seats.

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几个人一筹莫展,雍老板出了个主意,原来反省院的院长是梅兰芳梅先生的戏迷!A few people had, huiyong, the boss is out of an idea, the reflection of director is Mr Mei lanfang mei opera fan!

他在伦敦那些戏迷中深受欢迎。而且当时流传着许多关于福斯塔夫的笑话。He was a great favorite with the London playgoers, and there were a lot of Falstaff jokes going round at the time.

已故我省著名晋剧表演艺术家丁果仙,在她艺术生涯的40多年中,为广大戏迷观众,奉献了一台又一台优秀的戏剧节目。Late in JinJu famous of GuoXian, in her artist's career 40 years, for the fans, dedication and the audience a good plays a program.