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我们用些润滑油好吗?Can we use a little lube?

给克令吊钢丝上润滑油。Lubricate wires of cranes.

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给货吊钢丝上润滑油。Lubricate wires of derricks.

请使用润滑油,润滑和更多的润滑Do use lube, lube and more lube

礼貌是商务巨轮的润滑油。Despatch is the soul of business.

使用时需要提供润滑油脂。It needs grease or oil when used.

润滑油路进口装有筛网。Suction strainers on oil line inlets.

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这辆车请你上点润滑油好吗?Will you please have the car greased?

润滑油既不会凝结也不会发粘。The lubricating oil does not clog or gum.

这个汽车库出售润滑油、轮胎和汽油。The garage deals in oil, tires and petrol.

这种润滑油适合高级轿车。This lubricant is good for high-class car.

一记扇经常开启的门的绞链不需要润滑油。A well-used door needs no oil on its hinges.

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每跑5,000英里就要换一换汽车里的润滑油。Change the oil in the car every 5,000 miles.

润滑油基础油可以是矿物油或合成油。Lubricant bases can be mineral or synthetic.

检查润滑油是否已充好。Check whether lubricant oil is already filled.

然后,他去把那箱子润滑油交给一名毒犯。Then he went to hand the oil to a drug dealer.

主润滑油路和十字头润滑的连接。Connections for main and crosshead lubrication.

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你的润滑油少了一夸特。要加哪一种牌子的?。You're one quart low. What kInd shall I put In?

讨论了补加型润滑油添加剂的必要性。The necessity of the post-additives is described.

润滑油可能凝结而形成凹槽。Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.