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为什么儿童要做窝沟封闭?Why seal a child's teeth?

拉链前半封闭。Half zipper front closure.

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那是一个封闭的宇宙。That is a sealed universe.

哪些牙齿需要做窝沟封闭?Which teeth should be sealed?

在封闭车厢内他们都感到闷热得难受。They all stewed in the boxcar.

东北高速公路全部封闭。Northeast Expressway all closed.

用来封闭管路,作用与管堵相同。Used for sealing pipe, and pipe.

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我们彼此之间是何等的封闭。We are so closed to one another!

失败,细菌,封闭空间。Failure, germs, closed-in spaces.

它仍然是个非常封闭的市场。It is still a very closed market.

这些是封闭的的引线。These are gas-tight feedthroughs.

“封闭签入”对话框。Gated Check-in dialog box appears.

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直到青苔把我们的嘴封闭Until the Moss had reached our lips

一名封闭型的人只会看到狗主人。A closed person sees only dog owners.

一家出版社被封闭了。One publishing house was closed down.

花边封闭可调适合。Lace-up closure for an adjustable fit.

一些封闭投资基金还提供红利。Some closed-end funds offer dividends.

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资方封闭工厂,阻止工人进厂开工。The management has locked the men out.

封闭的头脑不易接受新事物。A closed mind unreceptive to new ideas.

修复无效的嵌套和未封闭标记。Fix Invalidly Nested and Unclosed Tags.