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浅水三角洲前缘平坦、开阔。Shallow-water delta front is flat and widen.

在一面主帆上,帆前缘被连接到桅杆上。On a mainsail, the luff attaches to the mast.

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曾经旳真爱如今为什么不能再续前缘?。If it war true love, why wouldn't it be true know?

戴亚亚去哈乐做工作,希望两人能再续前缘。Dai Yaya to Harold work, two people hope can again.

单张式前缘自动送纸,适用多样纸张尺寸。Sheet-fed front edge suction for various sheet size.

单张式前缘自动送纸,适用多样式纸张尺寸。Sheet-feed front edge suction for various sheet size.

伤椎前缘高度及脊柱后凸角明显改善。The anterior height and the cobb angle improved sharply.

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前缘缝翼用增压系统的热引气加温。Wing leading slats use hot air from the pneumatic system.

扇三角洲前缘亚相由近端坝和远端坝沉积组成。Fan delta front includes proximal and distal bar deposits.

三角洲相在该区主要发育三角洲前缘亚相。At the delta facies, there mainly are delta front subfacies.

前缘相向外,则为前扇三角洲相。Further out from the frontier facies exists pre-fan delta facies.

强风时,请人帮忙抓住伞中央前缘风口处。In strong wind, let someone grab your leading edge from the center.

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连接机翼的前缘与后缘的直线。A straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil.

研究区内主要发育三角洲前缘亚相沉积。Delta-front subfacies sediment was mainly developed in the studied area.

在前缘缝翼允许30度角的陡坡攀登到。The leading edge slats allow for steep climb angles of up to 30-degrees.

右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。A seagull hit the right wing tip leading edge flap sustained minor damage.

由于缺少薄而硬的前缘,这些羽毛也许不够牢固,因而无法用于飞行。Without a thin, stiff leading edge, they may have been too weak for flight.

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射流比的变化对叶根位置叶片前缘冷却死区减小无影响。The cooling deterioration area doesn't almost vary with changing flow ratio.

讨论了前缘分离涡为主体的旋涡流场。The vortical flow dominated by leading edge separated vortex is investigated.

在两种井网模式下模拟了边水侵入后前缘突进规律。The invading rule of edge water front was simulated by using two well networks.