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人生快事,莫如读书。Things in life than the books.

看小说真是一件快事。Reading novel is a real delight.

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他以证实别人出错为一大快事。He takes a delight in proving others wrong.

我儿子的成功对我来说是件很棒的快事。My son's success is a great gratification to me.

有个现成的书楼遗赠给你,那无疑是一桩快事。It is no doubt a pleasant thing to have a library left you.

住在这儿是她生命中的一大快事。Living here is one of the greatest satisfactions of her life.

如果能花得起钱买上这么一张安乐椅,实在是一大快事。A chair like that chair, if he can afford it, is a great comfort.

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不去数到底是第几部影片,就我们影迷来说,不为是件快事。Don't go for exactly what is the film, fans, not for us is a pleasure.

我们老年人同那位博学的年轻医生谈话是件快事。It is a pleasure for us old men to talk with the learned young doctor.

这样顺利地完成了你的大学课程真是一件快事。It is a fine thing to have so successfully finished your college course.

剪裁是个好东西,音乐更加不错,与朋友碰杯更是快事一件。Scissors are good, music is better, and mixed drinks with friends are best.

但是实际上,饮酒作乐实在是人生的一大快事。But the truth is there was no drunken carousing more honorable and fruitful.

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凡来陕西之游客,莫不以得到一件唐三彩制品而为快事。All visitors to Shaanxi think it a pleasure to have got articles of tri-coloured pottery.

我会好好保存您给我的回信,并与我所有的好朋友们一起分享这件快事。I will be careful to save your reply , and to share this satisfaction with all my friends.

凡来陕西的游客,莫不以得到一件唐三彩制品而为快事。All visitors to Shaanxi think it is a pleasure to have gotten articles of tri-color pottery.

在我看来,能与家人清静地坐在一起饮茶,那真是人生的一大快事。In my view, quiet with his family sat together drinking tea, then it is a great joy to life.

我希望你能提供产品的图纸和需求给我,这样我能快事给你提供报价。I hope you can provide drawing of product and requires to me, so that I can provide quotation to you soon.

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你们外地来的混混真是享乐人,在前门廊聆听纺织娘的歌声,沐浴在月光里,长饮不醉,干些快事。You out-of-town chaps will be the people, with your katydids and moonlight and long drinks and things out on the front porch.

两派间关于俄国走向的辩论,读起来实在是一件快事It was fabulous to read these people as they debated what will happen to Russia, the kind of westernizers and those in between.

抽雪茄是人生一大快事,嘴里含一支雪茄,沁人心脾的茄香和燃烧的节奏会把你带入另一个境界。Cigars is a great joy in the life, a cigar with his mouth, the eggplant fresh burning incense and the rhythm will bring you to another realm.