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一般而言,这种情况无碍健康,但会导致永久性的肤色变暗。It's generally harmless but can cause permanent skin darkening.

努力精进与无碍放松和谐的结合…Endeavour and effortlessness are combined in a harmonious union.

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这些食物本身无碍,我们得知,切得细细碎碎的就行。Both these foods were fine to eat, we were told, as long as they were cut up.

稍微的电击对人体无碍,但强电击却可以致人死命。Mild electric shock to human body, but continued strong shock can death-dealing.

如果他有慧眼觅得好智囊倒也无碍——但是他没有。That wouldn’t matter too much if he had good taste in advisers — but he doesn’t.

一个男子汉哭泣是无碍于一个人的强毅。It takes a strong man to cry. Jesus wept, and He was the manliest Man that ever lived.

能够与主管、同侪及团队成员在口头与书面上沟通无碍。Able to effectively communicate verbally and in writing to leadership, peers and team members.

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无碍视指看到或在心里呈现通常视力范围以外的事物或事件。Clairvoyance is ability to see or visualize objects and events beyond the range of normal sight.

医生说婆婆舌下的小疙瘩无碍,多喝水就行了。The doctor said she sublingual small pimple without problems, drink plenty of water on the line.

但是,我们仍需要法律将人们的道德行为限定在对他人的幸福无碍的范围内。However, we need the law to confine the actions of people to an extent harmless to the well-being of other people.

所以,审慎考量的举动,无碍本法院裁决原告所提问题。Thus, prudential considerations do not restrain this Court from adjudicating the question presented by Plaintiffs.

爱情面前畅行无碍,它将跨越栏杆、跳过栅栏、穿过围墙到达满怀憧憬的终点。Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.

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至于称观世自在者,观世界形能自在无碍,对苦恼众生能自在拔苦与乐。As the view, said at the world view of fractal can spacious and comfortable living bitterness can pull pleasure and pain.

这本书就是一部实用的工具,它襄理快速达到流畅自如、沟通无碍的英语水平。This book helps prevent those miscounications by giving readers the tools they need to improve their English level and fluency.

这种进化适应使鸟类的肺部总是充满着“新鲜”空气,让它们能在其他动物可能毙命的高度呼吸无碍。This adaptation keeps birds' lungs filled with "fresh" air, allowing them to breathe at altitudes that would kill other animals.

之后,地方议会宣布,测试表明那里的海藻繁殖速度已有所减缓,而且该湖已安全无碍了,于是取消了警告。The warning was later lifted after the council said tests showed that the algae blooms had subsided and that the lake was safe to use.

既对简历无碍,还能拿到需要的学分,这样的选择可以决定你大学时期能省出多少钱来。Without affecting your resumes and with guaranteed credits, this option determines the amount you can save through your college years.

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除了把呼吸从不停的潮汐中解放,使他上升,扩大,无碍地寻求上帝之外,“气绝”又是什么呢?And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered ?

退一步来讲,在饮食中添加醋、柠檬汁或酸橙汁无碍健康,还有助于瘦身。The bottom line is that adding vinegar lemon or lime juice to your meals will do no harm and may help a bit in the battle of the bulge.

首先,很显然我们希望事故后的佩雷兹身体无碍,我们向他以及整个索伯车队送上我们的祝福。Firstly we obviously hope that Sergio Perez is in good shape following his accident. Our best wishes are with him and the whole Sauber team.