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他是食肉动物。He is. He’s a meat-eater.

这是因为食肉动物的肉很臭。It is because their meat stinks.

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水生食肉动物的海上巡逻。Aquatic predators patrolling the sea.

食肉动物对牧群是个威胁。Predatorsx were a threat to the herd.

疯狂的南瓜雕刻——食肉动物。Insane pumpkin carving of the Predator.

幼恐龙长得比食肉蛇快?Young Dinosaurs Outgrew Snake Predators?

在动物学上,大熊猫属食肉目。In zoology, the giant panda is Carnivora.

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狮子和老虎是食肉动物。Lions and tigers are flesh-eating animals.

最好的结果就是,适当的食肉。For best results, meat should be medium-rare.

然后食肉动物死于饥饿。Then the grass-eating animals died of hunger.

这是我们向食肉者转换的一个标志。That's one sign of our carnivorous conversion.

我们最好去看食肉动物。We'd better go and see the carniverous animals.

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就是我们通常认为的食肉性细菌…It's commonly known as the flesh-eating disease.

那些大型食肉恐龙吃甲龙。Large meat eating dinosaurs ate the Ankylosaurus.

真主确是憎恶食肉者的族人。Verily God loathes the family of the flesheaters.

犬科的各种食肉动物,如澳洲野犬。An animal of the family Canidae, especially a dog.

与食肉者相比,素食者较少超重。Fewer vegetarians than meat-eaters are overweight.

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他们杀死狐狸,獾和其他食肉动物。The agency kills foxes, badgers and other predators.

政府捕杀狐狸,獾和其他食肉动物以保护家禽。The agency kills foxes, badgersf and other predators.

24岁的福格蒂给了这个庞大的食肉动物“一拳重击”。Fogarty, 24, "started swinging" punches at the predator.