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请把我帐号上的节余金额告诉我好吗?Would you please tell me my balance?

我要把观光信用证的节余兑现。I want to cash the balance of a traveler's letter of credit.

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现在我可以放松一点了,每个月也有点节余了。Now I can relax a little bit and save a little bit every month.

这些节余在商品周期由盛转衰的时候大派用场。This abstemiousness has served it well as the commodity cycle has turned.

政开支,把节余的资金用于发展活动。Reducing administrative costs and using the savings for development activities.

自由支配性开支的节余将在国内和国防支出中分摊。The discretionary savings are spread between both domestic and defense spending.

我将伙食费的节余部分全用来购买英语学习的新书了。The balance of my board expenses was all spent on new books for English learning.

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随着政府财政节余的增加,也有可能再过几年我们会减税。If the finance margin of the government increases we will benifit from decrease of taxation.

但是真正的节余来自减少社会转移,特别是不娇惯了中产阶级。But the real savings come from keeping down social transfers and especially from not indulging the middle class.

先期承诺中的节余将在未来10年立法通过,与经济恢复相符。And savings from the down payment will be enacted over 10 years, consistent with supporting the economic recovery.

“很多人民没意识到非洲国家获取的大米则要取决于亚洲粮食的节余”,国际水稻研究所的齐格勒说道。"A lot of people don't realize that Africa's rice depends on Asia's surpluses, " says the Rice Institute's Zeigler.

这些经济体大都是出口导向模式,因此,更高的增长意味着有外汇大量节余来增加货币供应量。Most of these economies are built around export models, so higher growth means big surpluses of foreign exchange added to the money supply.

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如果你没有用完预算资金,在下次预算中你就有被削减掉这些钱的风险,你不会因为有节余而被认为有效率并得到奖励。If you failed to spend your allotted funding, you risked losing it in the next budget. You would certainly not be recognized for being efficient.

它是用节余的汽车安全带做成的,由无毒水墨染制而成,外形轻便而又不需耗费多少原料。It is made of surplus automotive seat belts, dyed with non-toxic water-based inks and the lightweight form is a great design with minimal material.

当把大部分钱都用在房租和食物上,节余也就仅够一些花费少的娱乐了。However, since you put so much of that money towards rent and food, you don’t have much left over to pay for anything more than cheap entertainment.

以饼图形式说明收入、支出、节余三者之间的相互关系,为家庭的财产的有效管理和合理分配提供帮助。By using the diagram to explain the relationship among the income, expenditure and the balance, the family can make arrangements for their income and expenditure easily.

在用电高峰期估计需要550亿瓦,这为基本的能源节约方式留有空间,比如更少使用空调和照明,以节余的电量来避免电力危机。Demand is estimated to peak at 55GW, which leaves room for basic energy-saving measures, like using less air-conditioning and lighting, to avert a power crunch with capacity to spare.