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洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。The flood cut a wide swath in this area.

满目青山夕照明。On all sides, verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye.

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无论巴黎还是外省,咖啡馆满目皆是。Regardless of Paris or other provinces, cafes everywhere.

你去了一个什么都没有的虚空,满目黑暗You just went somewhere and there was nothing. There was darkness.

一个窗架上突出一根生锈的铁棒,真是满目凄凉。A rusty iron rod projected mournfully from one of the window ledges.

当你购物时,你特别容易受到玲琅满目商品的诱惑而抛开预算规则,购买你喜欢的东西。As you shop, it’s tempting to toss your budget rules and buy what you see.

由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Due to over protection for agriculture, made Doha Round Negotiation tough.

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静静地,看着最后飘走的白云,留下满目的黑色。Quietly, watching the clouds finally drift away, leaving a stretch of black.

由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Because of excessive protection of agriculture, the Doha Talk has been ruined.

我望了望周围,蓝天被抹上了一层灰色,地上垃圾满目。I looked around, the sky cast a layer of gray, garbage everywhere on the ground.

这种水泡眼金鱼只是玲琅满目的普通金鱼的怪诞变种之一。The breed is only one in a gallery of bizarre variations of the common goldfish.

由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Doha round negotiation had become badly due to excessive protection to agriculture.

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星期一,太子港。山腰上满目都是碎石和受损建筑的残骸。Rubble and debris from destroyed buildings cover a hillside Monday in Port-au-Prince.

山谷处,果实飘香,山花遍野,满目皆是粉红的、白色的花的海洋。Valleys in which the fruit blossoms are fragrant, pink and white waters in a shallow sea.

由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。The Doha round of trade talks is in tatters, because farm protection is still too precious.

由于对农业的过分的保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。The Doha round of trade talks is in tatters, because the farm protection is still precious.

当我们失去了满目葱笼的世界,生存环境越来越恶劣时,我们才幡然悔悟。People are truly repentant only when they lost the green world and lived in bad environment.

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由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Due to the excessively protecting with agriculture, the Doha negotiation has became seriously.

冬天,它能捕捉到任何没有遍及的场所,把那满目衰败荡涤。In winter, it is not across the board to capture any place, put the decline clean up everywhere.

相应的,土耳其人则希望把产成品卖给非洲人,这些产成品从洗衣粉到牛仔裤,玲琅满目、种类繁多。The Turks in turn want to sell Africans a range of finished goods, from washing powder to jeans.