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他尿湿了裤子。He wet his pants.

时尚界人士会“穿一条裤管的裤子”。Fashion people do.

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穿上你的裤子。Put your pants on.

谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子?Who uses one pant?

接着穿这条裤子。Next are the pants.

嘿,小裤子?Hey, Little Britches?

瞧瞧你的裤子!Look at your pants now!

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裤子尺码对她不合适。The trousers misfit her.

我是胖了,裤子就穿不下的人。I am fat, not wear pants.

我也是,小裤子。Me, too, Little Britches.

你把我的裤子洗缩水了!You have shrunk my pants!

妳又尿裤子了。You wet your pants again.

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为什么裤子都不见了呢?Why are there no trousers?

宝贝,把你裤子往上提一提。Hike your trousers up,baby.

钉子挂住了我的裤子。The nail caught my trousers.

锅底的油烟弄脏了我的裤子。The pot crocked my trousers.

裤子已经穿得磨薄了。The trousers have worn thin.

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李平穿上了他的裤子。Li Ping puts on his trousers.

请把裤子改短。Please cut the trousers down.

那个小男孩尿裤子了。The little boy wet his pants.