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找一个好制图师。Find a good cartographer.

手工制图是园林设计的基础。Hand-drawing is the basis of garden design.

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制图桌前,他静若处子,神游于外。He sat at his drafting table, and did nothing.

控制方法是使用预控制图控制。The control method is to use pre-control chart.

有微积分、现代物理和机械制图。Calculus, Modern Physics and Mechanical Drawing.

三角板是工程制图的必备工具。Set squares are necessary tools for project drawing.

打开体系结构为两开发者和制图师。An open architecture for both developers and designers.

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丁字尺是工程制图的必要工具。The T-square is a necessary tool for engineering charts.

丁字尺是工程制图的必要工具。T-shaped drawing ruler which is made of board or plastic.

记着这条命令,我们回到了制图板。With the edict in mind, we went back to the drawing board.

纸上原型是应该手绘草图还是计算机制图呢?Should a paper prototype be hand-sketched or computer-drawn?

在生产现场采用的预控制图进行生产控制。Use pre-control chart to conduct production control on spot.

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我们在寻找有实际制图经验的人。We're looking for someone with hands-on drafting experience.

能运用相关软件进行机械制图。Be able to use relevant softwares to make mechanical drawing.

等面积投影通常均优先用于统计制图。Equal-area projections are preferred for statistical mapping.

具有机械制图和挤出模具计划阅历。Experienced with mechanical drawing and extrusion die design.

制图正确、标注齐全符合国家标准。Graphics exactitude , mark well-found match a nation standard.

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陷在缝中的制图者用皮带轻击塞子套套。The mapper trapped in the gap tapped the tap wrapper with strap.

添加编辑和删除按钮来自定义地图的制图。Added edit and delete buttons to custom maps in the Cartographer.

埳在缝中的制图者用皮带轻击塞子套。The mapper trapped in the breach tapped the pat wrapper with strap.