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糊墙织物。Textile wall coverings.

最好的织物是毛织品。The best fabric is wool.

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这外衣是氯纶织物制的。This coat is made of PVC.

织物或人造皮革鞋面。Fabric or faux-leather upper.

安全的织物消毒液。Safe disinfectant for fabrics.

用这种织物做成的衬裙。A petticoat made of this fabric.

这件漂亮的外衣是氯纶织物制的。This beautiful coat is made of PVC.

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毛织物一洗要缩水。Woollen fabrics shrink in the wash.

这种肥皂不会使毛织物收缩。This soap won't shrink woolen goods.

阿伊达其实,更编织织物。Aida is in fact, an even weave fabric.

织物组织一般为平纹组织。General for tabby fabrics organization.

织物花边也轻于红章。Fabric laces also lighter than red seal.

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那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。The fabric was displayed on a wired stand.

哪些织物最适合手洗呢?Which fabrics are most hand-wash friendly?

丙烯酸纤维织物既暖和又耐洗。Acrylic fabrics are both warm and washable.

福兴重视另一织物贴花。Fusing attaches applique to another fabric.

薄绸是一种极薄的丝绸或人造丝织物。It's very difficult to climb a sheer cliff.

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这是一种很好的羊毛织物柔软剂。This is a good fabric softener for woolens.

液体的和片状的织物软化剂很好用。Liquid and sheet fabric softener works well.

柔软的丝绒织物亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.