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谢谢楼主告知!这回有个盼头了!Thank you, God. I love you, Mom and Dad.

没有盼头是日子是苍白不可想象的。A day without hope would be unimaginably pale.

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生活在这个监狱般的房子里,实在没什么盼头。There isn't much to live for in this jail of a house.

人,是绝不能没有盼头的。Human beings cannot do without something to look forward to.

卡纳瓦罗说,他的获奖让其他的后卫有了盼头。Cannavaro said his prize would give other defenders more hope.

人,是绝不能没有盼头的。学习望梅止渴。Human creeveryures cannot do without something to look forward to.

人,得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡。We need something to look forward to as not to live a gloomy life.

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这可是辛苦工作一周的盼头啊。Something you're so looking forward to after a brutal week at work.

过节的习惯使孩子们在一年里都有了盼头。Holiday rituals give children points in the year to look forward to.

小的盼头支撑人的一天,大盼头支撑的一生。A small hope sustains a person for a day, a great one for a lifetime.

这并不意味着你的人生没有盼头了,也不意味着你不值得拥有快乐。This doesn't mean your life is over or that you don't deserve to be happy.

在一次次找工作遭到失败后,许多求职者感到他们简直没有盼头了。Failing to get a job time after time, many job-hunters feel that they have nothing to look forward to.

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正当夜幕降临,眼看就要没了盼头的时候,一艘开往伦敦的双桅帆船搭救了我。Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London.

在这一趋势的推动下,城镇地区寂静套的应用越来越遍及,但农村地区还没有显着变动。苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。This has led to the more widespread use of condoms in urban China, but there has been no obvious rise in rural areas.

而在最后的三个多星期,我们要跑过八个州,我们每隔几天就会有了新盼头。In the last three-and-a-bit weeks, there should be eight more, which gives us something to look forward to every few days.

虽然长贵的意外牺牲让人感觉有些遗憾,但新角色“谢腾飞”的到来还是让观众有了盼头。Although long expensive accident sacrifice lets a person feel some regret, but the arrival of the new character xor let the audience have got them.