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没有鞋子。No shoes.

新鞋子吗New shoes?

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穿好鞋子。Wear shoes.

我的鞋子在哪里?Where are my shoes?

我的鞋子好闻得很!My shoes smell fine!

把你的鞋子扣紧。Buckle up your shoes.

袜子是湿的,鞋子是湿的,就连脚丫也冷冰冰的。Wet shoes. Cold feet.

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你的鞋子是白色的吗?Arae your shoes white?

我喜欢你那双红颜色的鞋子。I like your red shoes.

会弄坏鞋子的!You'll ruin your shoes!

那双鞋子已经穿旧了。The shoes have worn out.

补鞋匠都没有鞋子穿。All cobblers go barefoot.

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哪个鞋子是刘鹏的?Which shoe is Liu Peng's?

便宜鞋子不耐穿。Cheap shoes soon wear out.

便宜的鞋子不耐穿。Cheap shoes soon wear out.

泥粘在我的鞋子上。The mud clung to my shoes.

他还喜欢咬人家的鞋子。And he loves to chew shoes.

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我们的鞋子很耐穿。Our shoes are very durable.

猫在我鞋子里拉屎啦。The cat pooped in my shoes?

你们有哪些褐色的鞋子呢?What have you got in brown?