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我们这些牛郎织女都恨透了那条无情的“天河”。We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless "The Milky Way".

但是,自从牛郎织女结婚了以后,织女就不再织布了。After they were married, the fairy thougjt she did not need to weave again.

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牛郎织女踩在一只只喜鹊的头上走过去聚会。Niu Lang and Zhi Nu would walk towards each other on the magpies' heads to meet.

富有想象力,主题与中国的牛郎织女相似,很有意趣。Very imaginative and interesting. Its theme is similar to the Chinese folk story.

到了七夕那天晚上,父亲总要给我讲述牛郎织女鹊桥相会的故事。Tanabata night to his father to give me about overall Cowboy Weaver meet Bridge story.

以无边的星光作你的前导呵,牛郎织女星在你的身旁?Using the boundless star light as the leader, cowherd boy and vega are besides of you?

牛郎织女结婚了,一耕一织,生活很幸福。Weaving maid and Cowboy got married and led a happy life, one farming, the other weaving.

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这是大部分人庆祝牛郎织女的浪漫传说的西方全国日常表达。This is the day when human celebrate the romantic legend of the cowITd and the weaver girl.

第七个女儿被迫迁移到恒星的牛郎织女星和移动到星牛郎星。The 7th daughter was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd moved to the star Altair.

我千古的恋人,何须羡慕牛郎织女天上人间鹊桥相拥的恢弘华丽。My eternal lover, why must envy the immeasurably vast difference bridge to hold grand gorgeous.

这是另一种古老而传统的方式,七夕的童话告诉我们情人们点亮的灯笼将是牛郎织女相会的路标。This is another old traditional of QiXi to welcome the fairy back to earth to meet her Cowherd lover.

有好事者用经典英文歌曲为牛郎织女组织了一次情歌对唱,非常有创意。Someone even pieces up a love song from other classic English songs for the Cowboy and the Weaving Maid.

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王母无奈,只好允许牛郎织女每年的七月初七在桥上相会一次。Finally, the Queen showed a little mercy, allowing the couple to meet once every year on the Silver River.

他们的忠贞爱情感动了天上的喜鹊,每年的七月七日,数以千计的喜鹊架成了一座鹊桥让牛郎织女相见。Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so every year thousands of magpies built a bridge for them to meet.

讲完了牛郎织女的故事,细看儿子已经垂睫睡去,女儿却犹自瞪着红红的眼睛。Finished the story, at the son has vertical ciliary sleep, the daughter is while staring at the eyes are red.

然而,它仍是牛郎织女一年一度的鹊桥相会日。However, it is still a day to celebrate the annual meeting of the loving couple, the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver.

物换星移,不变的是北斗夜夜的光辉,还有牛郎织女持续的相望,在银河两岸,默默地凝眸。Things change, change is the night light, and the continuing across, in both sides of the Milky way, silently gaze.

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牛郎织女的传说是中国四大传说之一,拥有悠久的历史和丰富的内容。As one of the four great Chinese myths, the legend of cowherd and girl weaver has a long history and very rich content.

农历七月初七,是中国民间传说中“牛郎织女”相会银河的日子。The seventh month of the lunar calendar month, is China's folk tales of "the gigolo knit" meet the day of the Milky Way.

就在天空上面,我将以一箭双雕之功将牛郎织女星都射下来送给你作为情人节礼物。just in the sky ,i will shoot down the Cowherd and Girl-Weaver stars for you as the Valentine's gift with only one arrow.