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嗨,早饭怎么样?Hey, what about breakfast?

好吃好吃,我爱早饭。Yami yami , I love breakfast.

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你还没吃过早饭吧。You have not had breakfast yet.

你得把早饭吃了。You need to eat your breakfast.

他的早饭是水煮荷包蛋。He poached an egg for breakfast.

嗯,我买的早饭,他吃完才走的。Well, I buy breakfast, he eats it.

我们早饭吃炖梅干。We had stewed prunes for breakfast.

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你已经吃过早饭了吗?Have you had your breakfast already?

吃完早饭他就弹吉他。He plays his guitar after breakfast.

我们早饭吃熏肉和蛋。We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.

老师斥责来前洗脸,“我能看你早饭吃的鸡蛋”。I can see you had eggs for breakfast.

早饭后我们去太湖公园。After breakfast we went to Taihu Park.

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他把吃的早饭又呕吐出来了。He has chucked up his breakfast again.

他狼吞虎咽地吃下早饭就走了。He wolfed down his breakfast and left.

早饭后请把你们的床铺整理好。Please make your beds after breakfast.

请你把我的早饭送上来好吗?Will you send my breakfast up, please?

你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast?

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早饭还是那一成不变的粥。Once again, I had congee for breakfast.

早饭后我们立即动身了。We got off immediately after breakfast.

他和赫敏在沉默中吃完了早饭。He and Hermione ate breakfast in silence.